Here is a pic of the Choate Ultimate Sniper Stock. I've heard good and bad about it, but then shooting and weapons are a very personal thing. What works for one doesn't always work for another.
I knew that's what you meant. I think 1chance misunderstood you. I know what you mean about Romak 3s. My buddy had one for sale a few years back and I should have jumped all over it. But I had no idea it was going to be so hard to find one in stores.
Nice AR. I've got one with a Bushmaster lower and Stag Arms upper with an Aimpoint. It's the one on the left.
Nice AR, can't go wrong with either component. Mine is all Bushmaster with a Cavalry Arms Polymer lower. Yeah, that Tokarev is a nice pistol, I'd take it over my Ruger P-95 anyday of the week and you can't beat 1200 rounds for $120.00. It's a powerful pistol, nice trigger pull, simplicity defined, I'd recommend one to anyone. The import marks on it are horrible looking though.
I went all out on guns this year and I have only been to the range once, go figure.