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New WTC Buildings


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to art deco style for my likeings, wont look good compaired to alot of the older buildings. persoanally i think they just need to leave it as a big hole in the ground as a reminder
They did say they will leave some of the "holes." I just wonder if the new building is going to be the world's tallest building or spire?

Originally posted by bishir
They did say they will leave some of the "holes." I just wonder if the new building is going to be the world's tallest building or spire?


I'm confused by that, too. It's the spire that's really really tall (1,776 feet), not the buildings. They compare it to the towers in Malaysia, which are BUILDINGS that are 1,483 feet high and say that the new WTC would be "the tallest building in the world". To me there's a difference. Personally, I liked the THINK proposal a lot better, but to each his own.

We'll be lucky to see any of them completed in our liftetimes.

If i'm reading correctly, its only going to be a 70 story building. Lower Manhatten has been hurting financially since the towers came down. They deffinately need a big building there with a fitting memorial.
We'll be lucky to see any of them completed in our liftetimes.

How long do you plan on living? :eek:

I don't think it will take that long to finish once they start. Probably 2-3 years tops.

Originally posted by bishir
How long do you plan on living? :eek:

I don't think it will take that long to finish once they start. Probably 2-3 years tops.


The big question is when (if) will they start. It took 11 years to build the first twin towers once they got started. I think there's some skepticism around whether or not anything will actually get built.

I don't think anything should go there. Just a memorial with something to remember the 2,700 people that died there and some of the WTC inspired art. There are some truly fantastic pictures of the towers taken over the years. It's very moving to look at them now. Anyone who grew up around here grew up with them always being on the horizon. Not always in your consciousness, but always there nonetheless. Now that they're gone - and you see pictures of them when they were there it's a little.....weird, I guess. It's like recalling a dream. You would grow so used to seeing them that you didn't get an appreciation for their greatness until they were gone. They can't be replaced, and neither can our way of life before 9/11/01. I think an empty spot there is a fitting reminder of the way things were, they way they'll never be again, and who is responsible for the way things are now.

guys i got a great idea. they managed to knock down 2 of our tallest buildings before so now if we make them taller there is no way they can knock them down right? how dumb is this. gee lets see if we cant get more people killed this time. i think they're only doing this to beat the towers in Malaysia and to that i say who cares who has the tallest building. :rolleyes: remember, the bigger they are, the harder they fall. us GN guys should be very familiar with this statement;)
being a union carpenter i worked in the wtc over the last 10 years and was in tower 1 on the 50 th floor when the first plane hit and was still in tower 1 when tower 2 fell needless to say i made it out my partner did not he made it to the roof. anyway it really dont matter how tall they build if the people cant be evacuated fast enough . i think the replacement looks like **** . there is nothing there that resembles strenght. looks more artdeco.

maurice kelly may you rest in peace my friend . theres not a day that goes buy that i dont think of that morning when you said no you go down to 50 ill stay up here (103 floor ) ill come down for coffee.
Turbo Buicks,

Using that thinking then whe should knock down all our buildings? I don't think so! From day one I've always said we should build them back exactly like they were.


Sorry to hear about your friend. Lots of good people were lost that day.

You're right though. If they can't be evacuated it could happen again. Lets hope we all make sure it doesn't....

All I know the plane will have to be a chartered jet full of these wackos because no red blooded American is going to sit down during a terrorist attack and let this happen again. I'd rather go down fighting than tied up in the back.

My gut tells me something about rebuilding towers in defiance is not quite the best thing inthe long run....Can't put my finger on it....but a spire that tall is going to be a magnet for another shot by a cowardly terrorist and his closest friends (dreaming of 72 virgins). Rebuilding is a sign of defiance, but I'm not sure its necessary for my part....In my view, its best to send our wishes via the military ;)
of course you know bishir, that we couldnt possibly fit all the people in a skyscraper into a 2 story building. thats not what im proposing. they could have just as easily flown a Cessna into a McDonalds restaurant. but i think that instead of making one humongous tower why dont they build a few smaller towers. here in downtown Tampa the tallest building is about 42 stories i believe. its pretty tall but i can just imagine something twice its size coming down. yes you can engineer for lots of things but not everything. the engineers didnt account for the intense flames from the jet fuel which melted support structures. if they built a huge strato-Tower with 100,000 people it could hold and it came down thats worse than a a thousand or so dying in one tower. now im not saying any loss of life is better than another but losing a million people is far worse than losing a few hundred IMO.