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Darth Fiero

3800 Series II Turbo
Jan 12, 2003
Well, I have finally gone and done it, made a slow car fast and now it is next to impossible to get a decent race. The problem with doing up a Fiero is that I guess most people look at it and think: at the very most it is a 2.8L V6 and it isn't worth my time. What a bummer. So far I have only got a chance to race a modded GTP and some rice but they were no match. Perhaps some day I will pull up next to a C5 or SS Camaro and they will not think they are too good for me. Until then, I will laugh on the inside. :cool:
Yah, I guess that's the problem..

I suppose that's the problems that come with having too much of a sleeper. I'm sure if ya tried hard enough and taunted some, you might get a few fish to bite. Then again, they may just think your a ricer kid that is being stupid and not worth the time. Nice car, by the way. When I was living 45 mins from work, I was thinking about getting a Fiero for a daily driver and dropping a 3.8 in it. Not turbo.. just something for fun, not heavy and get good mileage... had to be rear wheel drive.

Actually, I saw a Fiero GT here the other day in a parking lot. Pretty surprised.
You need to get something to get them going.A bumper sticker or sign or center rear light cover that says something like, too fast 4 you, turbo, corvette's are slow.Something that gets them going.Then you wouldn't have any problem finding a good race.
Well, I do have a 3800 V6 sticker on the back of the trunk lid and some turbo T emblems on the front fenders but in this day and age perhaps people don't understand what they mean, or understand all too well.

Your plans for building one with a standard 3800 for a good daily driver are about right on. With the naturally asperated series II 3800, I was pulling down 33 MPG easy and had pleanty of power to merge with traffic.
Don't tempt me

I really wish I had done that. I know there are those for and against the Fiero, but I tend to like them. Just out of question, is your car stick or automatic?? I would love to have stick, n/a 3800.

Granted, that would be a bit down the road now, but it's still in the thoughts.
my fiero has a 4-speed automatic overdrive (4T60-E) with 3.33 final drive. 5-speed N/A 3800 would actually be really fun I think but I don't think I would want to chance putting real power from a blown or turbocharged engine in front of the getrag (get-a-rag) transaxle. I have seen far too many crack cases behind 2.8 V6's.
Agreed, that's why I said only the 3800II. I have heard of a guy at e-town that has a pearl white Fiero with the GN engine and stick shift.. he wouldn't say how fast it went, but said clutches are a problem. I'll bet.

Good luck in finding a kill.
whew! i seen the thread i was hopoing you were in MD. Ive seen this fiero down here that is that fastest little biotch. I was driving my jeep and seen /heard this thing at and adjacent light sittin next to an Acura or sumthin. This Fiero sounded like a true muscle car and he left that acura sittin still. all i could do was stare in awe as it thundered past me id bet it runs low 12 EASY this thing had MONEY poured into it. had to have been a 350,at least, no tire spin, just GONE!!! I was speechless!!!
V8's are okay in a Fiero, but I have worked on a few and one thing that stands out in my mind the lack of room for decent exhaust and induction. I'm sure if someone spent a lot on custom headers and induction, as well as the usual mods that are needed on the engine itself, it would run some impressive numbers. I think I am doing pretty good for the very small amount I have in my car in comparison.

I did take a ride down to southern Maryland one time and saw a Fiero (purple if I remember right). That had a 3800 in it, but the exhaust sure made it sound like something else. I guess there are a few of them running around there. I used to live in Eldersburg. Needed a car to drive to Howard County every day.