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Non slip flooring options?


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Lone Wolf
May 24, 2001
I am looking for some paint or something to put on concrete flooring to make it non-slipper or at least less slippery.

Cost is a consideration as I have 5000 square feet to cover.

Can't use snap together tiles as there will be occasional wet spills and I don't want cracks for stuff to settle into.

Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions?


Hello Bill, my husband Steve and I are going to do the same with our garage the best stuff we found is Dura-coat . the info can be found on www. Dura-coat .com or another product info is Florock seamless . Hope this helps.

good luck
Old Navy method was to mix sand in with the paint for deck surfaces on the ship. Can't get much cheaper than that! If you are doing commercial or public, better check with OSHA or someone else may end up owning your building.
I thought about the sand method but hoping for something a little more durable. I have used the sand method on decks and docks before but the sand eventually wears through and I was always sweeping up sand.

I like the look of the colored floors but wonder how slippery they really are. These will get wet fairly often. Not standing water but water from boots and such.
I used an epoxy paint I bought at Home Depot for my garage floor. I learned a lot about floor coatings from the following website:

I ended up using Behr products epoxy floor coatings, and decided against using sand or other traction aid in the mix, after reading the above article which basically said anything you add to aid in traction will reduce the lifespan of the coating and contribute to hot-tire pickup.

Prep was 90% of making the paint work well. I cleaned the floor with special concrete cleaner (also by Behr), and used a couple of very stiff acid brushes and a pressure washer to make sure everything was grease and contaminant free. There were a couple of spots on the garage floor where my Buick leaked, and I spent a lot of time making sure they were cleaned up before primering, then painting.

Even though the product says it does not need primering, I opted to prime it as my garage floor is old, and I was concerned about efflorescence in the concrete, as well as to seal a couple of small cracks, etc...

Attached are two JPG's (hope ya can see them, I've never used the attachment option before..) of my floor, 7 months after putting the paint on. It looks nice, and cleans up very easily with a hose, and degreaser, etc.. I'm happy with it, and I have had no problems with the stuff coming off. It cost like $22 a gallon, and I had plenty left after I finished off my garage floor. My parents liked it so much, they want me to do their garage floor too.

Montgomery Village, MD


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Paul, I checked out that Ucoatit stuff at a car show one time. It looked great but felt like it would be very slippery when wet.

If you put it on in the next month or two le me know how it works.

I have until January to get the floor covered :-)
Renthorin said:
Paul, I checked out that Ucoatit stuff at a car show one time. It looked great but felt like it would be very slippery when wet.

If you put it on in the next month or two le me know how it works.

I have until January to get the floor covered :-)

Won't be doing mine anytime soon, put off big building project till next year or later. I used a similar product (from Home Depot) in a laundry room. I know if you put the paint flakes in it kinda heavy, it gives you plenty of traction :) The others have a top coating I believe, so you may not notice it as much. Seen TV show where you can also take vinyl sticky graphics about any size, stick it to the floor, and top coat clear. Nothing like a picture of your car, or GN/GS/TR logo, or something cool on the floor to see as you walk in :)
I used the Behr acrylic epoxy system from Home Depot about 2 years ago. I applied it to fresh concrete before I built my garage. All the reading material I found stressed the importance of surface prep so I opted to etch the surface with muratic acid rather than the Behr prep due to my concrete was such a slick finish and according to the instructions the system will adhere to a pourious surface better than a slick surface. Don't skip the moisture test it is important. Then I primed and put two coats of satin top coat. Behr has 40 colors to choose from, I chose a light grey as to not make the shop to dark and gloomy. I chose not to add sand and I'm glad I didn't, the surface is not slippery at all even with wet shoes. The only thing I have found that will hurt the paint is mig welding splatter so now I have a scrap peice of plywood I use to keep the splatter off the floor. I am satisfied and wouldn't do anything different.
