WOW!?! GNVAIR... what happened... I was first to reply to your for sale ad yesterday at 12:45PM and sent you a PM right away and gave you my name, e-mail address and contact information and even sent a second PM last night at 10:31PM and another one today and you never even had the courtesy of responding back and I even told you I was interested and had paypal ready !?! ... so why bother advertising when you don't do the honourable thing and go down the list in order as to who inquired first and then go to the second in line if the first person is not interested. You could have at least had the courtesy to e-mail or PM me and say you sold them from under me or to someone else or weren't interested in selling them but I figured something was up when you hadn't replied to any of my later PM's yesterday. I guess I will chalk this up as another negative seller buyer interaction. :-(