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Not a kill but a brotherly love story & a new name for my car .


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Active Member
May 25, 2001
Last nite my younger brother dropped in and was bragging how he went for a ride in a 2005 Z06 Vet the nite before . And they were "burning rubber all over the place":rolleyes:. So I asked him "you haven't been for a ride in the TR since I put the new combo in" ? . and replies "no" . so....I suggest he stay for dinner and after dinner we'll scoot up to Port Perry to check out the car show they have every Wed . He agrees . :)

After dinner I pull out the TR from the garage and he jumps in the passenger seat . I mention that I like to "put a little heat into it" before I head out on the main roads . Meaning ,letting it get up to operateing temp before putting my foot into it at all . so , I let it warm up in the driveway a bit and then do a little light driving around the side roads . and he replies in this mocking sarcastic tone "yeah...put some heat into it " . making it sound like how's this ride going to be any better then the ride I took last nite in the " Big Bad Vet " . so I'm thinking to myself "alright you little smart ass S H I T I'm going to show you how this car REALLY goes" . so after a little driving and me checking the SM for temp readings I finally see the magic temp reading of 155-160 degrees . we're ready . :D

I cruise up to the traffic light at the main road waiting for it to turn green so I can make a left hand turn . Light turns green and I make a gentle turn into a wide left . Just as I'm coming out of the turn in first gear . I just throttle the pedal right down . The boost guage instantly spins up to 15 lbs of boost and the rear end breaks right sideways . I look over and my brother is clutching the dash and center console for dear life. I feather off the throttle just enough to straightened out and as soon as I did that . I was back in it again pulling the shifter into second . The car is going up Thickson Rd right sideway across two lanes at around 20 lbs of boost , smoke pouring from the rear tires . Then I pulled third out of it and all hell is breaking loose . and I swear out of my brothers mouth I heard him wimper like a little girl on a rollercoaster "Oh my god .....stop" . LOL :D . after of about 350-400+ ft of this , I straighten up the car and let off on the throttle . I then turn my head towards my brother and say "how's that for putting a little heat into it" ? :D :D He was friggin white as a ghost . I had the biggest grin on my face and started laughing .

So after we returned home the wife asks him "how was the ride in the TR" . He replies you mean " The Turbo Death Car " LOL . I broke out laughing . I asked him about the little girl begging to stop . But... he would not admit to saying it , while he had a grin on his face . . LOL Then I say to him " let me know if your Vet buddy wants to run the TR " . He didn't say anything . I bet he phoned his Vet buddy as soon as he got home and told him all about the ride in "The Turbo Death Car" . :D :)
That's a good one.."the turbo DEATH car" LOL I once did that with a 70 stage 1 I built. A girlfriend I was dating wanted to know how fast the car was..Well I found a long entrance ramp and just nailed it. Those poor radials had no chance :) She had the death grip on the dash, and said Ok..enough.

Went back the next day during the daylight, 2 nice black marks all the way down the entrance ramp :)

I love that story.

Here's one;

My son's youth pastor about 28 years old asked what my white T Limited was.
My 14 year old son tried to explain it but you could see he wasn't getting it.

So I offered to let him drive it.

We took off from the church and he nails it.

He says "runs okay" clearly wondering what the hype my son was talking was all about. Then the boost of the 62 turbo hits and goes to 20# with the alky coming on.

He says "WOW" but does not let off. The Mickey Thompsons hold and we're off.

After a few seconds I say "you're doing 85 MPH in a 45" and he says "no way", looks down and promptly lets off.

He looks at me and says "it would not be cool for the news to broadcast local youth pastor arrested for racing and don't ever let me drive it again".

Great story man. I love stories where believers are made. I had to do the same thing with my brother in law. He rode in a new Mustang GT and was impressed. So I offered him a ride in the big black car with the little V6 engine. He could not believe how quick the car was. That's when it only put down about 410whp. It now puts down over 500whp. He says he doesn't want to ride in it anymore.
I'm sure everyone who owns one of these cars has at least one good story of showing someone what these cars are capable of . :D :)
....My son's youth pastor about 28 years old asked what my white T Limited was.
My 14 year old son tried to explain it but you could see he wasn't getting it.

So I offered to let him drive it.

We took off from the church and he nails it.

He says "runs okay" clearly wondering what the hype my son was talking was all about. Then the boost of the 62 turbo hits and goes to 20# with the alky coming on.

He says "WOW" but does not let off. The Mickey Thompsons hold and we're off.

After a few seconds I say "you're doing 85 MPH in a 45" and he says "no way", looks down and promptly lets off.

He looks at me and says "it would not be cool for the news to broadcast local youth pastor arrested for racing and don't ever let me drive it again".


Now, tell him he can use that experience in his next sermon under;
" ..... blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed" (John 20:29) :cool:

Good stories ........... :biggrin:
I figured you were going to say that he could sermonize about the power of the Dark Side. LOL!