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Nozzles affecting BLM's? Please read.


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disco stu

Active Member
Apr 10, 2002
I have been chasing abnormally high blm's (160 always at idle, 128 up to 140 under varying loads. No vacuum leaks. Checked many a time. No exhaust leaks.

I ask because the SMC nozzles are very easy to suck air through. This seems like a large unmetered air supply. I had the same problem when my factory MAF pipe had a rip in it.

Has anybody had this problem? Seems to be the most likely source for my problem.
Use a spray bottle to look for leaks? Intercooler is a likely place. I watched a guy use carb cleaner to find a leak at the plenum.

I'm not sure what you mean about the smc nozzles. Did you not seal them with JB Weld?

Maybe somebody has a way to check that doesn't involve propane, compressed air, etc.
When I say I've checked for vacuum leaks I mean I HAVE CHECKED FOR VACUUM LEAKS.;) I've tryed stethoscopes, propane, soapy water and compressed air on everything. Vacuum readings are good and steady, but that is behind the throttle body. If the problem is before the throttle engine vacuum readings will not be affected.

What I mean about the nozzles (2 7#), is that if you physically stick the nozzle in your mouth you can blow and suck through it fairly easily.
No sort of check valve. Hence unmetered air. And yes, nozzles are sealed fine. Bonded washers inside and a wad of butyl tape under the outside washers.

But I have never seen a post about this problem. I will unhook the line and close it off to see if it affects anything. But I would like to see if anybody has seen this before anyway.
Originally posted by salvageV6
I keep my lines full of alky. :)

Me too, 'Natured Alchy', that is. Mostly from Denver, and Mexico. Tenessee also sneaks in once in a while. I'm on call this week, so no dice until Friday night. Then the Tequilla will flow like fine wine. ;)

Well since everything after the MAF can allow un-metered air in you need to check the intercooler, and the hoses, pipes, and connections. It's a shame there is no really easy way of doing this, as you have already found...