Nuke NYC, D.C. and Chicago?

To bad I couldn't have grow up in the days of the wild west. At least you wouldn't have to worry about all this bs.

Scary times, bringing up a family in today's world.:(
Assuming that NK actually has a missile that could reach New York, and is crazy enough to try it, the process would go something like this: Lunatic presses the button launching Icbm from NK to US. We respond with interceptor missiles located in Alaska. We also launch 3 Minutemen Icbm's, destination-PyongYang. Interceptor missiles locate targets and make the kill. Minutemen make NK glow for the next 200 yrs. Thats the way I see it anyway:)
People who vote Democrat need to remember that Jimmy Carter won a Nobel Prize a few years ago for his work with Bill Clinton in converting North Korea's Nuclear Bomb Program into a Peacful nuclear energy program (paid for the US taxpayer)

It's such a shame that we have to live in a world like this... I never want to have kids just for the fact that they would have to grow up in a society most likely worse than this one. I worry for my nephew who is going to be 2 years old next month, he has his whole life ahead of him to deal with crap like this.

"Live everyday like it's your last", someday it might be!
i wouldn't worry about n. korea saying they will nuke all our major cities like that...they are a bunch of talkers over there and all they want is attention like little cry babies...once we start in with iraq we are going to focus on n. korea next and they are gonna wish they had shut their mouth because they have no idea who they are messing with:mad: