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oilling problems and alcohol air ratio question


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New Member
Apr 26, 2002
Im running a 640 crane sollid roller cam I am running isky solid roller lifters with the off center hole and kenne-bell roller rockersin my N/A 1979 buick powered triumph and have noticed that the oil pressure is concidereably lower than the stock kenne bell cam that I was running. The oil pressure was about 60 at rev and 40 at idle and now it runns 20 at rev and 5 at idle. Also does the 4.1 motor have a better oilling system the 3.8, is that why nascar used them in the busch race's.

Does anyone know the air to fuel ratio and jet size in thousands to convert a gas carb to alcohol. Right now Im running a 850 quadrajet carb and running 14.522 at 91.11 mph.
Methanol has a stoich ratio of 6.45, compared to 14.7 for gas. So you need 228% as much. You can run methanol 30% richer than stoich for max power, compared to 20% for gas. So you can go even a bit richer (250% maybe).

I think the ISKY lifters are made such that they uncover the large oil hole thats in the production engine lifter bores. That hole is actually a thumb sized hole created when the oil galley was drilled beside the lifters.. Most likely need a lifter w. a shrouded foot..:eek: :eek: :eek:
The 3.8 and 4.1 production blocks all oil the same.. Busch used the stage blocks.. not the production block.. they have an entirely different oil system...
q-jet to alky

Has any one successfully converted a q-jet to alky do you have to change the needle to a smaller one to allow a larger amount of alky.

What type of oilling does the busch stage blocks use

which lifters would work and have you tried using a large cam and if so how did you over come the oilling problem.

I'd suggest U call Isky and ask them.. there are several different designs available.. You will need 1 w/ a solid body to block the feed slot off at hi lift.. An open sided lifter allows the opening to rise above the top of the lifter bore and cause a hemorage..

The stage blocks have the oiling galleys divorced from the lifter bores and then the builder drills the bores to get oil to the lifters, if that's the way he feeds the rockers. Otherwise the rockers are fed thru lines hooked to the ends of the heads. The latter can be used ONLY w/ solid lifters.. the feed holes are only drilled to .125.
Also, all the BUSCH engines were run w/ a dry sump system.

Can't answer the Q-jet ??. Haven't messed w/ carbs since 85..