ok newish to the whole thing


New Member
Sep 13, 2007
ok so right now im looking at what i should be saveing up for for a build im going to do i know i want a turbonetics t4 62mm turbo (unless theirs a better one for the price then of course im going with more power) trans break, trans cooler, bigger injectors, mabey cams and if they make them for gn's roller rockers oh i forgot exaust too is this good to get the car to do around 10's low 11's and would 30k be enough includeing the price of the car. this will be my first drag car and i would like to do it right but to where i could still drive it on the street at lower boost setings. any help would be greatly appreciated also if anyone could point me in the right direction on where to get said parts. and would i need anything like stall converters or anything to get it to run better?...

Go to the forsale section and buy a car thats done already, its gonna be cheaper and you can use the extra money to fix the car up. :)
that is true but i kind of like the idea of getting to pick the parts and do the research on them all plus my freind who is the mechanic who will be working on it will do cheaper work if i help and learn how all the stuff works. and how to put it together myself. idk personality flaw i guess.
Well what kind of base car are you looking to start at... If you buy a stock car it's going to be more expensive.

You could buy a clean car inside out that's in the 11's no problem for what 15 grand?

Or you could buy a stock car for 15 grand and spend a lot of money to get it there.
i was thinking i want an 87 gn with the astroroof or t-tops but i would get one with as many mods in the direction i want to head with it as possible. i have about a year and a half befor ill have enough to do it all but i want to get a list of things and do the reserch first. ya know make shure itll all go together smooth and their will be no surprizes by the parts not matching or getting it to run the way i want it too.