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Go on red!
May 7, 2002
The Buick was running fine. Then all of a sudden, this morning it does not turn over. So much for an 11 second daily driver. The starter simply does nothing. The battery is new and has juice, since all the guages and fuel pump turn on. Voltage is good. The starter was replaced two months ago with a NAPA gold starter. Worked well and had no problems so far.

Could an oil leak on the starter cause it to not work anymore?

It acts like the solenoid is bad or maybe a bad wire to the solenoid? Too cold to actually check it (below zero up where I live right now).

Any feedback appreciated. I have to get the Buick on a trailer tomorrow for its journey to sunny FL where I'm setting up a remote office to work from. Gonna be a m'fkr to get it up on a trailer by hand and no winch in this arctic cold...
It could be the ignition switch or the starter. Just run a jumper wire from the battery to the starter and see if it'll spin over. If that doesn't work, then the problem is most likely in the starter.
no start

Brrr, sounds nasty.Try holding the ignition in the start position while you move the gear selector through it's range. If it starts, you have park/neutral issues. If not, proceed. This fix requires you to get under the car. It's too cold to do circuit checks right now, so let's just concentrate on getting it started. Jack it up on the right side and support it properly. Key on, ebrake on, in park,take a test light, verify the connection to the starter and that V+ is present. Jumper the smaller wire terminal to the B+ terminal, see if it cranks. If not, you have a bad starter. If it does, we're dealing with an interuption upstream, which you or a FLA technician can fix when you get to the sunshine state. I think I covered it all, let us know. Good luck, Merry Christmas!
Take a hammer and try 3-5 good raps on the body of the starter.

Don't break it. ;)

When the solenoids go they usually don't click or make a sound and the car appears dead like yours.

This may get it going so you can get it on the trailer. :)

Be careful under the car and don't try to have someone start it while you are under there hammering.
Check factory security system

If you have the factory security system there is large relay under the driver side dash that disconnects the key from the starter. There are 4 wires running to it. The large ones will be purle and pink. Tap on this relay as you are rolling the key and see if the car starts. If the relay is bad disconnect the two large wires and hook together.
A bad cell in the battery can so what you're talking about. Gauges will work, but there isnt enough current to crank the starter.
I Had This Happen To Me A Couple Of Weeks Ago. I Tried To Jump The Battery With Cable To My Suv.. I Also Tried To Tap The Starter With A Hammer, Nothing.. I Also Took The Battery Out Of My Suv And Put It In Buick, And Still Did Nothing. So What I Did Is I Took My Jumping Cable And Put On Neg Side Of Battery And The Other End On The Altenator Bracket And It Started! I Found Out Later That The Neg Side Of Battery Cable That Bolts Under The Turbo Was Lose... Good Luck
