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Pfizer CEO Gets Questioned


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It's really a shame how Covid vaccines were presented to the broader population. There has been great impact to many and many don't even realize they have a problem from these shots. I almost became one of those statistics we have all heard about, 6 feet under. Not from Covid but from the vaccine. I don't really share much about it because I feel like I have myself to blame for believing their lies.

I will share that I did have some influence to take the vaccine both personally and professionally. On a personal note, I watched several people around me pass away from Covid. Not old people or folks with compromised or questionable health but younger people and people in reality great shape. Professionally I was told, I cannot attend work meetings or in person events if I do not get the vaccine. After reading all the potential risks that Pfizer listed. I remember thinking these are some really bad things that could occur but I've had a lot of vaccines throughout my life and they always helped address an issue. Plus I had never had any health issues at all up to this point. I mean zero. So the more I thought about it, modern medicine the medical field has done some really remarkable things and people are getting over health challenges that one would think there was no way they could survive(my grand father aka Papaw was one of them). In my opinion, he got 20 years of life that for most wouldn't have. So I put my faith in that....the science and got the Pfizer vaccine. Mind you , at the time I was 38 years old and at the top of my game. Physically, mentally and spiritually. Let me tell you the decision I made to get the vaccine was the worst decision I've made in my entire life. It landed me in the hospital immediately after receiving the shot and on 2 subsequent occasions. I had EVERY single side effect listed on Pfizer's medical trial report that came out afterwards. It was disheartening to know they knew about it and did nothing. In all this, I should probably have a lot of hate towards pharmaceutical companies and even our leadership at a government level. Don't get me wrong I'm pissed about what they took away from me BUT I'm still here to tell the story. My hope is we somehow learn and get stronger from what we went through regarding the pandemic. If they pull this crap again, I will definitely be one of those guys holding a sign that says don't do it :)
It's really a shame how Covid vaccines were presented to the broader population. There has been great impact to many and many don't even realize they have a problem from these shots. I almost became one of those statistics we have all heard about, 6 feet under. Not from Covid but from the vaccine. I don't really share much about it because I feel like I have myself to blame for believing their lies.

I will share that I did have some influence to take the vaccine both personally and professionally. On a personal note, I watched several people around me pass away from Covid. Not old people or folks with compromised or questionable health but younger people and people in reality great shape. Professionally I was told, I cannot attend work meetings or in person events if I do not get the vaccine. After reading all the potential risks that Pfizer listed. I remember thinking these are some really bad things that could occur but I've had a lot of vaccines throughout my life and they always helped address an issue. Plus I had never had any health issues at all up to this point. I mean zero. So the more I thought about it, modern medicine the medical field has done some really remarkable things and people are getting over health challenges that one would think there was no way they could survive(my grand father aka Papaw was one of them). In my opinion, he got 20 years of life that for most wouldn't have. So I put my faith in that....the science and got the Pfizer vaccine. Mind you , at the time I was 38 years old and at the top of my game. Physically, mentally and spiritually. Let me tell you the decision I made to get the vaccine was the worst decision I've made in my entire life. It landed me in the hospital immediately after receiving the shot and on 2 subsequent occasions. I had EVERY single side effect listed on Pfizer's medical trial report that came out afterwards. It was disheartening to know they knew about it and did nothing. In all this, I should probably have a lot of hate towards pharmaceutical companies and even our leadership at a government level. Don't get me wrong I'm pissed about what they took away from me BUT I'm still here to tell the story. My hope is we somehow learn and get stronger from what we went through regarding the pandemic. If they pull this crap again, I will definitely be one of those guys holding a sign that says don't do it :)
Glad you're still with us. I've had 2 family members who were forced to take the experimental vaxes to keep their jobs, and they had immediate nasty side effects.
The problem is you can't unvax yourself or your children. The hysteria and haste to "get the vax" took many by surprise and they followed that heard without thinking it through.

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The problem is you can't unvax yourself or your children.
Yeah, I've asked many doctors questions around that very topic. What can I do to get it out of my system? Can't.... Stuck with it. Just have to keep moving forward and my body will eventually get over it. Let's just say I've learned way more about the human body than I would have like to over the last couple of years. At least doctors are starting to talk about vaccine injury being real. Hopefully they learn more about how to deal with it. I'm still sick from it, my doctor is hopeful I will continue to heal and not have permanent damage. But all in all I'm lucky/blessed to be alive. Would say most of the time I'm 80% of what I had prior to vaccine.