Phase one of Project Boom Trunk complete :D


New Member
Jan 19, 2003
Just picked these up for $300... this poor guy got four tickets in one stop and had to sell the stuff he had just bought weeks earlier to pay it off.

two Audiobahn AW1200Q 12" woofers, used for approx. three days, dual 4-ohm voice coils, 700 watt RMS.

one American Legacy LA790 1200 watt mono amp with remote bass boost, high pass/low pass control, and crossover network... mirrored chrome finish with plexiglass to look in on the board :D

I'm going to get a custom-built sealed box, probably oakwood and black or grey carpet... debating on ported holes. I might wait until I get my GN to custom fit it to the trunk. If not, I'll put it in my next couple of crown vics I turn around :p