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Played with a vette...


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Staff member
Aug 20, 2001
So, I was out with my father on fathers day helping in dial in his new toy(86 T). After making a few blast around a industrial area, on my way back to the house, we just so happen to run into a 2000/2001 millenuim yellow vette. The guy looks over and revs a few times and then we caught a light. I looked over at the guy and casually said, "you can have the jump after we make the this right turn.(we were both turning right) So the minute we both make the turn and str8en out, he jumps on it. So i let him get about three cars out and then drop the hammer in second, and immediately stopped his pull and rapidly began making up ground on him, then I hit third and walk by the guy like he is in reverse, 5 cars ahead, the guy thinks he is going to real me in on the big end(he was still in it), so i hit fourth and stretch the lead, to about 7-8 car by about 125-130.:D I then slowly shut the car down and waited for the vette to pull up, but he never did. He quickly made a u-turn and sped off the other way, I guess he was a little disappointed it wasn't a more interesting race.:rolleyes:

BTW.-There was three people in the car and I had the car on a conservative tune.(19 psi on alky)

He turned off BECAUSE you had three in the car. You should have left the a/c on to give him a chance
Atta boy

Nice kill.

Looks like the new car is ready to go.

This friday(I know your gonna like this) Guess what, MIDNIGHT MADNESS at moroso. Yup, racing till 2am. I'm their for sure. I might be able to convince Gabby to take the car if allllll of us go. Let me know.

Re: Atta boy

Originally posted by Turbojorge
Nice kill.

Looks like the new car is ready to go.

This friday(I know your gonna like this) Guess what, MIDNIGHT MADNESS at moroso. Yup, racing till 2am. I'm their for sure. I might be able to convince Gabby to take the car if allllll of us go. Let me know.


If my car is ready, I'll be there to race for sure. If not, i'll make it up there to watch and help out.

Nice kill Alex!

When will these Vette guys ever learn that they can't beat a 15 year old V6 buick with 3 people in the car:D I guess they never heard that old saying "I brake for Corvettes" that was on the rear bumper of most TRs when they first came off the showroom floor!!!:cool: