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playing with a harley davidson truck


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New Member
May 1, 2009
i didn't know some of those were supercharged, anyway i was minding my own business and a mexican guy pulls up next to me at a light with nothing but open road ahead. so i think nothing of it and just go about it normally, this guy nails it and gets a nice jump at that time i put some weight on the pedal. i scoot around him pretty quickly and catch him at the next light and he's smiling at me like yea didn't think this truck could run that fast. i'll give it to him they are quick but not as fast as my lil ol 6'er.

yea it was closer then what i wanted but i still showed him that the car was a force to be dealt with. those trucks run well though i have to give it to them.
Good for him you didnt go from a dig, he wouldnt have been smiling so much :rolleyes:

he caught me in the middle of a gear so it took a sec for the turbo to spool and then it was all over.
Harley truck

i had a run in with one a while back.. after riding beside me for a mile, he floors it and tried to cut in front of me...he even turned on his blinker:) i was ready though. his back bumper was even with my front and i push it wot i didn't even shift down but i went by him slide ways:biggrin: his eyes were pretty big..he turned behind me as he should have done to start with..i just gave him that dummy look:confused:........