Please allow me to introduce myself: The new guy at PTSXtreme


Supporting Vendor
Dec 7, 2002
My name is Erik Frederiksen and I will be working along side Bruce and Mark at PTS.
In the future, when you call PTS, you will likely reach me. I will try and answer all of your questions, and fill your orders to the letter and am honored and privileged to be working with the entire staff of PTS. The fact that I will be involved with such knowledgeable people and a new state of the art facility doesn't hurt either.

Please be patient and show me the same curtousy that I will show you, as I am learning a whole new meticulous system and may take some time.

My direct line is 916-381-0106

Erik Frederiksen
PTSXtreme Customer Service

I'm sure we all wish you the very best, Erik!

Yak with us when you can, and please let us know if we can ever help you in any way. :)
Welcome Erik! Awsome place to work at! I am waiting on some parts from you guy's as we speak(Pan&valve body). I would rather wait a little than put anything else in her! Again welcome and good luck Erik.
Thanks guys for the vote of confidence and support.

I must say, that I am truly impressed with what I have seen so far. The facility is AWSOME, the crew at PTS has been more than comforting considering my transmission...I mean transition :D , and the customers have been more than patient.

I'd try and stick that 9/11 in my carry on bag, but I don't think it be worth the body cavity search :p

Erik Frederiksen
Cavity search???


Please make sure to keep my 9x11 out of any cavitys!!! :D :D :D

Bill Schultz