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May 25, 2001
I have been reading alot of Kill/fish stories unrelated to the BB were here for. I know its winter and alot of our cars are put up, meaning the stories are slow. But this is a "TR Buick Forum" it is here for "TR Buicks". As much as I love the occasional street encounter, I hate to be the meany. In the future please keep your stories of Buick related content, don't be suprised if your Non-related racing story disappears.


Not to be picky, because I love this board, but I do believe the topic is Kill/Fish stories.... Not Buick Kill/Fish stories. This is suposed ot be a gathering for Turbo Buick Owners and enthusiast. I thik we should be able to post whatever we like as long as its not detremental to the board or offensice to other members.
To date, I don't remember any members complaining about stories not involving Turbo Buicks. If you dont want to read it, don't click on it. I enjoy all the race stories that are posted here except by the trolls.

Sorry, just how I feel

We are the members, and I think we should be able to post whatever we like in here as long as it is race related. If not here, we have no where else to put it. There is not a site for every car in the world. :(
No, Kyle you are mistaken this board is for buick educational purposes only, members are not allowed to have any fun.
IF you have subscribed to this board, I would ASSUME it was because you owned a Turbo Buick (or had a great interest in them).

Also, I'm sure everyone knows they shouldn't post questions in the tech section about how to tune up a Plymouth, Ford, Chevy, etc. You will be told this is a BUICK board and to keep the posts relavent.

I feel the Kill section should be handled the same way. It is a section ON THE BUICK BOARD. As such, it should be used for Buick kills, races, encounters, etc.

Bravo to the moderator. I for one also agree. I could care less about a group of Calif racers and a Plymouth Hemi running around all night. NOT a BUICK mentioned in the whole story. I suppose some think that since they own a Buick, they can post about anything they want, but how would you react if a Mustang owner started posting about all his kills on here.

No flames intrended but it would be nice to get back to reading about BUICK races. And PLEASE, no more pickum up truck races.
I thik we should be able to post whatever we like as long as its not detremental to the board or offensice to other members.
We are the members, and I think we should be able to post whatever we like

Kyle, This called being picky. What you and some others need to understand is that this board is a privately owned entity. Which means your posting here is a privilage that can be pulled at will. If you and Equalizer442 think you can post whatever you want that then what you two need to do is start your own BB then you both can post whatever your hearts desire. This Bulletin Board is for TurboBuicks and variations of such(ie TTA's.) Hence the name and the bandwidth designated for this purpose.

To date, I don't remember any members complaining about stories not involving Turbo Buicks

Tell ya what, I'll forward all the E-Mails I get from people complaining about posts to you and equalizer442 from now on.
Sound good? That's what I thought.

No, Kyle you are mistaken this board is for buick educational purposes only, members are not allowed to have any fun.

Well equalizer442 half your statement is correct. However, your kind of fun is not my kind of fun the difference is I do not lie to others for laughs.

my .02 worth

I dont even read the kills section but I would think it should be fine to post kills with other cars as long as the title lets you know it was in a different car .

last time you mods started all this buick only crap it really sent the board for a spin and we dont need that again.

and for members who biotch all the time would you'll please shut you pie holes ...babies :rolleyes:

instead of biotching about the stories how about posting a solution that could possibly make both parties happy
Originally posted by tlturbo

Also, I'm sure everyone knows they shouldn't post questions in the tech section about how to tune up a Plymouth, Ford, Chevy, etc. You will be told this is a BUICK board and to keep the posts relavent.

I suppose some think that since they own a Buick, they can post about anything they want, but how would you react if a Mustang owner started posting about all his kills on here.

WEll I actually see alot of the "Not a buick, but please help questions" I mean we all have a fair amoount of experience workign on cars, and what can it hurt to ask. The chances aren't as good that someone will know the answer right off the top of their heads, but sometimes they do. Its a benifit of being here.

I have seen many a mustang guyu post a story here, and unless they were just being a troll, everything was fine.

and Rollin, go ahead and forward those emails to me. I would like to see/read them. I would love the chance to be able to write them back and tell them to stop being a baby, we don't live in a Buick Vacume Tube.
No, Kyle you are mistaken this board is for buick educational purposes only, members are not allowed to have any fun.

I was using sarcasm, you know something that you do when you want to be a smart ass?

Well equalizer442 half your statement is correct. However, your kind of fun is not my kind of fun the difference is I do not lie to others for laughs.

so what is your kind of fun? makeing sticky polls bashing other members?
instead of biotching about the stories how about posting a solution that could possibly make both parties happy

No offense Red but the last time I looked up and to the left the Title still says "" not post all your kill stories I'll admit it, it's my fault in the past I have been some what lenient towards what is posted here. This resulting in posts regarding other brands of vehicles being posted here. I think its time to bring us back to the straight an narrow. However if you want resolution I would advise you to E-mail Jason, it's his board and if he feels the bandwidth here should involve other vehicles besides TR's and 3.8 turbo derivitives then so be it. Have him E-mail me.

WEll I actually see alot of the "Not a buick, but please help questions" I mean we all have a fair amoount of experience workign on cars, and what can it hurt to ask. The chances aren't as good that someone will know the answer right off the top of their heads, but sometimes they do. Its a benifit of being here.

Kyle being on this Bulletin Board is a great benefit for all who utilize it. Posts in the Lounge are that posts in the Lounge. The title is "Anything Goes" that means an off topic question can be posted and you I both know the odds of someone knowing the answer are high. That section not the problem, that's what that area is for. However, don't get the wrong idea, Kill stories do not belong there either. Not all is lost, the same option I suggested to Red is avaliable to you as well if you feel that the bandwidth
in the kill section should be avaliable to all vehicles let Jason
it's his BB.

I was using sarcasm, you know something that you do when you want to be a smart ass?

No comment you've said it all.

so what is your kind of fun? makeing sticky polls bashing other members?

No one bashed you, your practice of going out to other BB's under a false name posting a lie to entice and bait those who do not know you. Then coming back to this board and pointing out "Look what I've found!" under the premise that these guys are to stupid to know any better and will think I'm cool for this was wrong, insulting and in question.
A bashing is a personal attack, if you feel that you being by your own addmission(see above) a "smart ass" was a personal attack, then I truly apoligize.

Originally posted by Rollin

Kyle being on this Bulletin Board is a great benefit for all who utilize it. Posts in the Lounge are that posts in the Lounge. The title is "Anything Goes" that means an off topic question can be posted and you I both know the odds of someone knowing the answer are high. That section not the problem, that's what that area is for. However, don't get the wrong idea, Kill stories do not belong there either.


Well, I do not feel the need to argue further about this. I enjoy this board and I have let my feelings be heard.

Though, since you brought up the lounge, I have to say this. In the past i have seen many Kill stories moved from the lounge to here that do not involve Turbo Buicks.

From past experience I hace noticed that a lot of stories were on here that didn't invovle Turbo Buick cars, and as long as there were believeable, that was fine. I got use to it, and unfortunately I like it.

If it is to change, it wont keep me from being here, and since I don't pay money to be a member, its not like I have any oull in getting anything chaged. I don't intend to rock the boat or piss anyone off. My original purpose was to make my feelings be heard. I have chosen not to get into falme wars or arguments on these boards anymore. Maybe that has to do with being 22 now instead of 18 when I was on Who knows. I feel its stupid and if you are the moderator, ultimately the decision is up to you as to what is able to be put on the board and not.
Jason does us a great service by running the board, and I feel no reason to bother him with somethign as pety as this.

With that, I am done with this thread. If enough people want to make a joint email to Jason with, I don't know say 25-50 members names on it, then I will include my name on it, or make the email with everyone elses names that may want to leave this forum open. But seeing as only 4 or 5 members seem to have feelings one way or the other, its kind of a non-issue now in my eyes.
Then coming back to this board and pointing out "Look what I've found!" under the premise that these guys are to stupid to know any better and will think I'm cool for this was wrong, insulting and in question.

So? I pick on ricers, big deal. I sure in the heck aint going to kiss up to them for there godly like performance knowledge.

hint, Im using sarcasm again

Well equalizer442 half your statement is correct. However, your kind of fun is not my kind of fun the difference is I do not lie to others for laughs.

Well, ya never did have to read my posts, heck even after you all so kindly asked me to stop the posts (sarcasm again) I stopped, so what's the big deal? Sounds like you just want to start a flame war with me.
If you read the title of the post and it says nothing about a Buick , don't read it! If you don't like it don't read it! It seems that in order to whine about these posts like a baby , you must have read it , correct ? Why are you reading something that you seem to hate so much ?<-----serious

Rollin , Are you showing this big display of POWER in order to fulfill something else ? Maybe you were the sissy kid in school and are taking it out on us ?<-----sarcastic

Equalizer isn't doing anything to you. Maybe you should suspend his HUGE PRIVILEGE to post on the boards<-----sarcastic

The rice is there to be picked on , like Geoff was in the 4th grade.<-----sarcastic
Rollin , Are you showing this big display of POWER in order to fulfill something else ? Maybe you were the sissy kid in school and are taking it out on us ?<-----sarcastic

:eek: some ones got balls LOL
If you read the title of the post and it says nothing about a Buick , don't read it! If you don't like it don't read it! It seems that in order to whine about these posts like a baby , you must have read it , correct ? Why are you reading something that you seem to hate so much ?<-----serious

Are you as clueless as the threads you post or what? For someone whos been made all but 18 posts most regarding non- Buick content you sure have alot to say. Let me clarify this for you. What I'm here to do is to maintain this BB to insure everyone gets along and to curtail the wasted bandwidth. Which means I get to read all your threads as well as others off topic posts, and in this section mainly yours. Thats it. As far as the "Power", its all about the power didn't you know? Being that I weigh 120 lbs, bullet proof, with a face full of dermatitus I have alot of catching up to do(aren't ya scared? :rolleyes: ) That said, its not about me having it out for anyone, I'm just trying to maintain the integrity of the BB. By keeping it straight and making sure ya'll don't kill each other. Therefore, if you all don't like it you have two options: 1. Fall in line and play nice like the other 7530 members....or 2. Leave

It's that simple....

Any future replies send directly to me.
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