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If I were to a auction on here.......Feedback please!!! Also a word from Me to you all!


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TBcom Admin /Prayers NYFD/NYPD
May 24, 2001
When do you all feel would be the best time to do it? A weekend, a weeknight? Would day or night be better. Time zones? Any input here? I have ALOT and I mean A TON 30 years worth of stuff. Mostly Transmission stuff but a lot of Turbo Regal in general. I am clearing house and ALL will go!
Also should I just put product up and in thread bids? Text Bids? Email bids? Silent auction ? I really would like some input from you all. I would like to thank all the people who have supported me over the years and to those who were/are haters I just have one thing to say. Thank you for teaching me how NOT to act! I love ya all and met ALOT of the neatest people on earth within the TR Buick community and tried and I mean really tried , to help & assist any and ALL who ever asked me for it. Yes it was a business but believe me not a huge moneymaker. I did it for the love of these cars and the 2004r! I believe I made a huge difference in the progression of these cars and this transmission and would like to think that I was a pinnacle part of the progression of both. I also gave my heart and soul into making what it is today!
life has changed once again. I have really enjoyed my time with my wife and Kendra and Louie. As during the, we will call it the Buick years, I never had the time I really needed to devote to them . I do now and wished I would have seen it sooner.

Again love you all, pray for ya all, and see if I can give back somemore. I always tried to make everybody comfortable and happy. If I did 1/2 of what I hoped I did, I will be happy! As well as I hope you all are!! AN AWESOME BUNCH OF PEOPLE YOU ALL ARE!!!!!
Thanks for the memories....WE4 Bruce
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BTW please spread the word. I will pretty much stay in the transmission forum even though I know some of it should be in other places. I brought this section to light back in the day and made it the best I place for trans info I possibly could have done. I will exit the same way!!!!
This forum is still the best corner of the internet for the general public to get help with a 200-4r. People come from miles around to seek help here and chew on ideas both new and old.

As far as format, if you really want to auction it you should put it all on eBay and post a link to your username so we can go visit all items listed. You could do a silent auction or a written bid auction over the course of a weekend but you're going to have a heart attack keeping up with who's bidding on what IMO.

Either way I'll be watching.
I bid $200 for it all! Please include shipping! o_O

My address is...... well, I'll wait for your affirmative response before I PM you that......... :LOL::LOL::LOL:

Thanks for all your effort, help and love for TB's over the years, it IS appreciated!

Have fun in retirement, or whatever you decide to call it!
I want to feed our community first. Like I said Im out to keep it in the family. I could always go ebay and others and maybe I will but for now to all who helped me over the years get first crack.
Oh and thanks for the responses . IMO is what Im looking for.
You bring up a good point keeping it in the community. I see a lot of people selling stuff on eBay and some prices are ridiculous but worth it. But they are trying to make a buck which I don’t blame them. But some of us are in it for the love of the game (car). Shit look at yourself. All the years and experience you shared through out the years. And before anyone is going to say shit you just joined. I have been following this forum for years but never joined until I found my girl. (Car). Now it’s an addiction.
Im interested in a list here also just saw this and texted you about info. Thanks from Houston
well howdy, you old fart! good to hear from you, hope you doing good,
Damn were getting old! LOL

if you want to benefit TB lovers, keep it on here!
post up prior to auction or sale, what your selling, and many of us will be saving our $$
to buy !
are you still in kalif? so people know where its coming from.
still happening Just had a Squirrel moment or week I should say. Had a buddies 350 quit in his truck so we repaired it and he is reinstalling. Favors kill ya LOLOL anyway helping a guy who needs help out. Will return to regular scheduled programming this week . The gentleman looking for Bat Brake instructions should have them. Also it will give more time to get word out. Hope all are having a good week and will return this week .. OUT!
Oh yeah got all your texts and been trying to aknowledge all replies. If I missed anyone retext me . Man could never say that back in the day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! friggin phones :unsure: