I have the PowerLogger installed per instructions.Step 1,Installed new chip in ScanMaster.Step 2 Trying to update the PowerLogger but it tells me "Can't open input file PL020.s19.What am I doing wrong.When I installed the software I inserted the CD,clicked and dragged PowerLogger folder to "My Documents",opened up PowerLogger folder and the instructions said to "right click on the PLC.exe file, but I don't see any such file.I also installed the Windows 7 update from the Full Throttle site and clicked and dragged it to the divers section in the PowerLogger file,it then renamed the updated driver too ftd2xx(2).h.When I check the status of the PowerLogger my pc says its running properly,it says the port# is 0003,but its tells me that the "Driver date" is 10/22/2009 so I don't know if I updated the drivers properly.So now I am really confused.Thanks,ikle.