Well, I've never had a problem with a power master untill today.
Here's the scoop. The unit looks to have been replaced sometime recentley, but the accumulator is the old one. The switch is the grey one. This is what it does.
The motor kicks on like it should (when the key is first turned on), but as it is building pressure, in about 5 seconds, the motor begins to slow down(normal), but never shuts off. The RPM's go real low but it just never kicks off. The pedal is fine and if I pump the brakes there is a good pedal and the motor speed increases untill I stop pumping the brakes.
My concern is the motor gets EXTREMELEY hot and I know i'm going to burn it up if I run it. I am leaning toward the switch BUT I have access to a used old style accumulator right now. I am just looking for some opinions, maybe somebodys been through this before.
Of course I'm going to Norwalk so I have 1 day to iron this thing out, figures.
Thanks. Ted
Here's the scoop. The unit looks to have been replaced sometime recentley, but the accumulator is the old one. The switch is the grey one. This is what it does.
The motor kicks on like it should (when the key is first turned on), but as it is building pressure, in about 5 seconds, the motor begins to slow down(normal), but never shuts off. The RPM's go real low but it just never kicks off. The pedal is fine and if I pump the brakes there is a good pedal and the motor speed increases untill I stop pumping the brakes.
My concern is the motor gets EXTREMELEY hot and I know i'm going to burn it up if I run it. I am leaning toward the switch BUT I have access to a used old style accumulator right now. I am just looking for some opinions, maybe somebodys been through this before.
Of course I'm going to Norwalk so I have 1 day to iron this thing out, figures.
Thanks. Ted