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Presa Canario Pups 4 Sale


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Team Infidel
May 7, 2007
I have 2 males and 1 female left. 4 months old, having to move them from my house to my shop. They need a good home. $800 each. 100_0449-1.JPGIf your not familiar with the breed here is some info:

There are several theories regarding the genetic contributions to the creation of the Presa Canario. It is almost certain that the cattle dog, the Iberian Presa (Perro de Ganado Majorero) provided a start to the founding of the Canary Presa. The Ganado was a mastiff type of average size, rustic, intelligent with an intuitive instinct, a fearless guardian. Several other Hispanic breeds contributed to the Presas formation, especially the Presa Espanol in its large varieties and the bulldog varieties (Alano), known for its clutching instincts. In time the island dogs developed into a completely differentiated breed due to the influence of the Spanish breeds. Around the XVIII century, the English colonists, traders and merchants brought their Bandogges and Tiedogs - predecessors of the Bulldogs and Mastiffs - to the Canary Islands. Shortly thereafter, the English introduced their gladiator breeds (Bulldogs and Bull/Terriers) and began crossbreeding with the then existent "Perro de Presa" of the Canary Archipelago. To what degree did each of these introduced breeds contribute genetically to the overall development of the Presa Canario remains unanswerable.

In the 1940's the prohibition of dog fighting was ordered throughout the islands, although clandestine fights were known to continue during the next decade. It was during this period the Presa Canario numbers truly faltered. The sovereignty of the island Presa worsened further with the introduction of the German shepherd, the Doberman pinscher, and the Great Dane. The island dog fancier's interest now focused on these new breeds, almost causing the demise of the Presa Canario breed. During this darkened period the Presa was relegated in small numbers to farmers and herdsmen as their primary guard dog.

Reconstruction of the nearly extinct Presa Canario began in earnest back in the early 1970's. Reputable breeders bred strong Presas that were rustic, massive, vigorous, and functional, who had acute watchdog instincts, a strong temperament, calm yet confident and were extremely territorial with unlimited courage. This dog when defending what he considers his would withstand the harshest of punishments without surrendering his position.

Great watch dogs! Makes Pit Bulls look like a poodle! I never worry about anyone going in my back yard!
Evening bump. No one wants a killer deal on a Presa?? Do the research........these dogs sell for over 2k! Im giving my SW bros a HUGE discount!! 800 bucks??? are you kidding me?? thats cost for food and Vet bills!! Do you need the ultimate dog in ur back yard?? Whats watching you loved ones?? I know once you have owned one of these dogs, you will be hooked!
I'd be scared to put one of those in my back'd eat my Jack Russell Terriers!!!!:eek:

I'd be scared to put one of those in my back'd eat my Jack Russell Terriers!!!!:eek:
Tim I heard those Jack Russel terriers are real terrors & very active. My wife wants one some day but were not home during the day & I understand that they need a lot of attention.Have you found that to be actual.
JR's are good dogs, but yes.....tons of energy and they need attention and training or they get destructive. If she wants a nice calm quiet lap dog, a JR is not the dog she'd like.

They are extremely intelligent and they love to hunt. They will make you laugh one minute and then....push you to the point of murder the next.

I have 2 since they are actually better in pairs as they keep each other entertained. I have a male (Steve) and female (Pearl) about one month apart from the same breeder. Mine kept me up half the night last night. :mad: They were barking and wimpering till 2AM. I couldn't get them to shut up. I finally went outside to see what they were all worked up about and found they had trapped a big ol' rat on a ledge just under my Master bed room window.

There I was at 2AM in my skivvies in back yard standing on a patio chair with my tree pruning extension poking that monster off the ledge. He fell to his death in my JR's jaws...never even touched the ground. I never heard a rat make that kinda noise...sent chills up my spine. It was squeeling and....crunching.....aaaaaaaagh!
Steve had it by the head and Pearl had the other end and they were tearing it apart.

JR's were actually originally trained as pit dogs too. They would drop a pissed off JR into a pit with 100 rats and the one that killed all the rats the fastest won. Later they were changed to hunting dogs.

In our yard, they have killed off every lizard, mouse, rat.....snail.....and bird that dares to tread there. They have a system for hunting the birds. One will hide in our japanese box hedge while the other slowly stalks the birds towards the hedge. Once the bird is in kill range, it does not have a prayer. They even killed a humming bird once. Steve snatched it out of mid air....friggin' blew my mind. :eek:
He is only about 15" tall....but he can leep aboout 5 feet vertically.

Anyway...if she thinks a JR is like "Eddie" from the show's not.
I'd recommend another breed unless she really wants the challenge.

Every JR owner will tell you the same story....guarenteed....:eek:
Hey Lou...I was looking at this Presa...if you put a wig on it and gave it a fluffy'd dang near be a sheep.;)

nudge nudge wink wink.....
And look at that dairy section!:biggrin:

Just better make sure she's in a happy mood wrong move and ...well...
Dude looks like a Lady!

Hey Lou...I was looking at this Presa...if you put a wig on it and gave it a fluffy'd dang near be a sheep.;)

nudge nudge wink wink.....
And look at that dairy section!:biggrin:

Just better make sure she's in a happy mood wrong move and ...well...
Dude looks like a Lady!
Your Sister!

JR's are good dogs, but yes.....tons of energy and they need attention and training or they get destructive. If she wants a nice calm quiet lap dog, a JR is not the dog she'd like.

They are extremely intelligent and they love to hunt. They will make you laugh one minute and then....push you to the point of murder the next.

I have 2 since they are actually better in pairs as they keep each other entertained. I have a male (Steve) and female (Pearl) about one month apart from the same breeder. Mine kept me up half the night last night. :mad: They were barking and wimpering till 2AM. I couldn't get them to shut up. I finally went outside to see what they were all worked up about and found they had trapped a big ol' rat on a ledge just under my Master bed room window.

There I was at 2AM in my skivvies in back yard standing on a patio chair with my tree pruning extension poking that monster off the ledge. He fell to his death in my JR's jaws...never even touched the ground. I never heard a rat make that kinda noise...sent chills up my spine. It was squeeling and....crunching.....aaaaaaaagh!
Steve had it by the head and Pearl had the other end and they were tearing it apart.

JR's were actually originally trained as pit dogs too. They would drop a pissed off JR into a pit with 100 rats and the one that killed all the rats the fastest won. Later they were changed to hunting dogs.

In our yard, they have killed off every lizard, mouse, rat.....snail.....and bird that dares to tread there. They have a system for hunting the birds. One will hide in our japanese box hedge while the other slowly stalks the birds towards the hedge. Once the bird is in kill range, it does not have a prayer. They even killed a humming bird once. Steve snatched it out of mid air....friggin' blew my mind. :eek:
He is only about 15" tall....but he can leep aboout 5 feet vertically.

Anyway...if she thinks a JR is like "Eddie" from the show's not.
I'd recommend another breed unless she really wants the challenge.

Every JR owner will tell you the same story....guarenteed....:eek:
Yes that's what I heard I thought those stories were an exaderation I just think I 'll stick with cats.
My friend has Jack Russels neat dogs. Very "Spunky" :) they are always jumping over each other and zipping around the yard! Mean Chicken you should get one of these dogs and throw him over the wall at my Ex Wifes house she lives in Newport Beach with her new friends! Spoiled rich girl, let the dog tear up her back yard.