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Pro-Pain Is Here... Where Is Boosted Bug?


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motorhead mike
Sep 9, 2001
Can you re-list the extras you had to purchase/use for the install, please.

Jay, this is quite the kit! Professional is an understatement... I had my nitrous crazed buddy drooling over the sillynoid. And after reading the instructions I FINALLY understand how the overboost function works (too bad I am thinking of placing the control unit in the console.) I picked up an EGT gauge and a MBC to make the most of the kit come summer. :)

He sold it and now I have it installed on my car:D E-mail me if you have any questions it's a pretty easy install. With the warming weather bottle pressure shouldn't be a problem. Mine was almost 160 today and it's 73 out today to bad I'm doing other things and couldn't drive it today. Have some pics to if ya want.

Steve Waters posted a very comprehensive list of INSTALLATION HARDWARE, MATERIALS, & PARTS he went out & bought in order to complete the installation.

Very thoughtful of him to help out like that, saving other people the time & effort.

Can you find his post from December?

:) :) :)

Originally posted by Two Lane
Steve Waters posted a very comprehensive list of INSTALLATION HARDWARE, MATERIALS, & PARTS he went out & bought in order to complete the installation.

Very thoughtful of him to help out like that, saving other people the time & effort.

Can you find his post from December?

:) :) :)

OOOPS! I guess I should be calling out Steve Waters instead... D'Oh!

I have been searching the archives and can't find it... Damn.

Help! :)
I said he sold it to me :D There really isn't much just some zip ties and some pipe dope or sealant. I bought 2 gromet 1 for the propane line and one for the blow off tube. He had tied into a boost source under the hood I just tied in to the boost gauge. That might have been some extra stuff really not needed Haven't done much test with it yet but with the warmer weather down here it should be fun. I might try some testing down in FL this weekend.
Originally posted by 87gn-newbee
I said he sold it to me :D There really isn't much just some zip ties and some pipe dope or sealant. I bought 2 gromet 1 for the propane line and one for the blow off tube. He had tied into a boost source under the hood I just tied in to the boost gauge. That might have been some extra stuff really not needed Haven't done much test with it yet but with the warmer weather down here it should be fun. I might try some testing down in FL this weekend.

Dan, I heard you... and should have thanked you for the reply. Thank you again. I was aware of the need for Teflon paste & the zip ties... but, I swear he wrote more. :confused:

I was only kidding and I'll see him tomorrow and ask but I didn't use anything else when we took it out of his car and put it in mine.

Do you have it mounted yet? Send me some pics or e-mail me and I'll send you some.

You're Absolutely Right, Mike

Yes he certainly did, Mike...???...and he said all were parts he found he needed, & wanted to save everyone his time & effort.

It was a very nicely done & detailed list...very comprehensive.

Maybe e-mailing Steve directly would help in getting a response.

Originally posted by 87gn-newbee
I was only kidding and I'll see him tomorrow and ask but I didn't use anything else when we took it out of his car and put it in mine.

Do you have it mounted yet? Send me some pics or e-mail me and I'll send you some.


Dan, I haven't done squat with it yet... other than flaunt a box full of parts to a few people. It is -26*C right now :eek:, and I am NOT going out to that single car garage to work on a 2 hour install and catching a cold... I am waiting until mid-March. ;) You can send pics here if you'd like: TIA. :)

Two Lane, Yeah (it is Mike, or Michael :D)... I suppose sending Steve an email would save my wasting valuable bandwidth for this site. :)

Thanks guys,
Originally posted by BoostedBug
Someone looking for me?

Yeppers. Me. :)

Can you direct me to the thread with all of the needed extras to install your old Pro-Pain kit? 'Cause I can't find the thread. Or you can re-type it all. ;)

I have to find all my notes again...I think that post had been deleted some time back.....
Well, per the instructions, you'll need pipe dope or teflon tape. If you've ever done a plumbing job, you prolly have that roll of teflon tape already. That little roll is a lifetime supply.
If you route the line outside the framerails, you'll most likely use some zip ties to hold it in place. We prefer to route the line inside the framerail to the front.