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Problem with SMC alky kit


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New Member
Sep 8, 2002
Just installed and am using it on a supercharged ford 3.8 and injecting after the intercooler near the intake manifold. Problem is at idle with the SMC kit turned off or in armed mode it is sucking alchohol in to the engine due to vacuum and causing a flooding situation and rough idle. What do I need to do to stop this?
Originally posted by supercatxr7
Just installed and am using it on a supercharged ford 3.8 and injecting after the intercooler near the intake manifold. Problem is at idle with the SMC kit turned off or in armed mode it is sucking alchohol in to the engine due to vacuum and causing a flooding situation and rough idle. What do I need to do to stop this?

Wow, Ive never heard of this before but I guess its possible. Let me know how you fix it as this hasnt come up before. TTT for ya
If you have it plumbed into a vacuum'll need a selenoid to stop the siphoning.
Make sure the alky bottle is lower than the line going into the motor. If it's higher, it's probably siphoning(sp?) out the alky.
Check with Steve from SMC he may carry them, also Carroll supercharging, NOS ,and myself soon will be carrying them as well..

On my SMC receipt there is a charge for a solenoid valve, can anyone tell me if they can see it in the pics? I'm not sure what to look for.




Receipt has a $25 charge for solenoid/valve upgrade on it. Looks like it may have been forgotten when it was put together. I'll get with SMC to have it taken care of. Thanks, you guys have answered my question. Anybody have a pic of what the solenoid should look like and where it is located?
Should be a 2 wire device.

What exactly does the device under the gauge on the kit wire to?

Mine doesn't have that. I don't think it's a solenoid more like a pressure switch. Where's the wiring go for that device?

I'm pretty sure that is the pressure switch. It was put on the newer SMC kits from my understanding.
That is what I thought and didn't mention it at first. Plus it isn't plumbed in the line in series it's parallel like the gauge can't block the flow like a solenoid would so I assumed it wasn't a solenoid.

Time to send an email off to Steve C.
Missing solenoid valve

Our fault-
system was packed w/o the sol valve. I'm installing it now!