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Propane pros/cons


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Senior Member
Dec 23, 2002
I'm trying to decide on the propane vs. alcohol. I've read nearly every post on here about both and it seems propane is still a baby and not alot of people have posted feedback. I've been told that tuning is an issue with it. What's the scoop? Anyone switched from propane to alky? I know some switched from alky to propane, too. Any feedback is good.


When you do a search on this topic, and read through all the threads & posts (there really are not too many) from guys using it,
it seems to me that the guys with the most experience (currently) with real-world/full-time propane systems are running import cars, not TRs.

Are there import enthusiasts' car clubs and/or specialty import tuning shops in your area? Meeting the fellows using it & yakking with them face-to-face would seem to be maybe the "best" way to evaluate what using propane is like.

Just a thought. HTH :)
That's a good idea. I'll have to look around for an import shop that carries it.

I was surprised at the lack of hits on the propane search...but I guess it's only been out 6 months or so and since it's pricey, not alot of people have gotten it? I wonder how many kits have sold.
Originally posted by WakkoSS
I'm trying to decide on the propane vs. alcohol. I've read nearly every post on here about both and it seems propane is still a baby and not alot of people have posted feedback. I've been told that tuning is an issue with it. What's the scoop?

Tuning is an issue with alky also. I have had alky for almost a year before recently replacing my IC and it was very hard to tune the flow of alky for optium O2's although, it was nice running more boost on the street on pump. If you get alky, I have heard recently that PTE has been buring a real good chip for alky.
You may want to try doing a search on 'proPAIN', not 'proPANE'. It has been spelled both ways I believe.
The only 2 cons for Propane I can think of are:

1) Initial cost outlay for the kit... ~double.
2) Unknown long term effect on the internals of the engine. They didn't develop special valve seats for propane injected engines for nothing.

But, It can't be any worse than the rusting inside the turbine housing you get with alky.

When I get a set of heads... I am going to have propane friendly valve seats added just incase.
i can tell you that if its cold were you are that youll need a heat blanket for the propaine tank.:mad:
We're working on the heater situation. OGS has heaters IN STOCK that can be run off of a momentary switch. We are working on something a little more automatic that will retrofit the heaters people have already bought.
Where or how does one refill the gas bottle? Down here where I am, the usual method for 20# barbecue cylinders is to exchange them for prefilled tanks at Lowes, Home Depot, etc. The refillers (camper sites) are usually PIA's to deal with and there has been a new law enacted to NOT refill any bottles that don't have the "new" style valve on it. I can get by with a 20# tank (in my truck bed), but the Propain kit comes with a smaller bottle....
The tanks do have the "new style valve." Should only cost about $5-8.00 to get the tank filled.
One of the local Sunoco's does refills, try a gas station.

a 20lb tank would last you years. LOL!