PT67GTQ vs. The world???


New Member
Nov 27, 2001
I'm thinking about gettin a PT67GTQ for my turbo'd 5.0 mustang and was wondering what they compare to, ie an older T70 from turbonetics etc. All the letters and #'s and designations have me very confused.

I believe the 67 is the largest T04e (4"in/2.5"out)cover turbo they sell and the GTQ is the higher flowing exhaust wheel.

I have been askin what it takes to make 600+rwhp with my combo and many who's experience with a combo like mine was 5+ years ago, and the general response is a T70 or larger but i'm wondering if the advancements etc in turbo design over the past 5 years make the 67 as powerfull as an older T70??

I'm more askin what an old T70 can make, according to PTE's site a 67gtq can make 775+, and i'm wondering if a 5+ yr old T70 would make more and how much more?
From what I have read the 67 makes as much power as the old 70 but with the spoolup of a 63. That is why I bought one.
If you are already spooling the T-70 with ease, go for the 71Q, it will spool faster and flow WAY more air. You might have to turn the boost down to keep the cracking to a minimum on that Frod.;)
Whats the Liimit Engineering equivilant to the PT67gtq?

I see just as much positve feedback from ther customers, and i looked @ there site but its not as clear cut easy to read as PTE's

Thanks guys