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There is a darkside
May 14, 2007
Has anybody on these boards ever raced one of those turbocharged Jetta's before? (The one's that come stock turbo'd)

If so, did you beat them with your GN?

And Beamer's. Do BMW car's give most average GN's a problem?

I've been wondering because there's a couple guys in my area who race these particular car's. Been wanting to meet them at the track or on the street, and wanna get em. But I'm just wondering how a GN would hold up against them.

And I'm positive that the BMW is stock totally. I have good friends who've been with this BMW before and have looked under it's hood. The owner of the car, ever since the first day I told him I like street racing, has had it 'out' for me, carwise anyway. He's embraced me as a 'rival' for some reason.

He's also got one of those Jetta's with the stock turbo in it. Now people have told me that it's a fast. This car is also stock completely.

Oh and... He's trashed Buick's multiple times before and called the Grand National (Of which he has no clue that I want, but I mentioned it before as a car I like) a junker. He said that it's nothing but an 'old man's car'. He's a HUGE import fan.

So lemme know if you guys have ever beaten these cars before and if the average GN holds up well.

Well I wouldn't take anyones word when it comes to mods or being stock.

Anyhow, I've only seen one stock Turbo Jetta at the track running high 14's. This is about what my truck runs stock. I think he finnaly got it into the mid 13's with a little work but still not an issues for the ole Buick. As for the Beamer, it depends on the mods, model, and mods. I've seen some my truck could chase down and at the same time I've seen some that could give my Buick a work out. Your best bet is to hang around the track and do some recon. Just don't take the Buick and sit in the stands.
I have never seen a BMW M3 or VW Jetta run in the 13's. In fact I may have only seen 1 in the 14's - of course my track is at 5800'. I did see an early 1960's VW Bug run a wheel-standing 10.8!
Yeah but this guy has one of those Jetta's with the stock turbo in it.

I know alot of people who have personally looked under his hood. Everytime I ask him about it, he won't tell me. But all the people around him spill the beans to me whenever I get them by themselves. (Very untrustworthy friends of his if you ask me)

So what do you think of the video's? Pretender or contender?
c'mon man, that dude lost to a jeep cherokee :rolleyes: you should kill him

Heh, I'm thinking I might try to take him to the cleaner's too.

Might just tell him to put up like 200-300 the first night. Since he thinks he can beat a Turbobuick, let him get cocky, y'know? You think he'd take that bait?
:D i work on my car a good bit and rarely drive it. i use to run the ricers out of town with it..looked like a drug bust:biggrin: there are some fast ricers out there but they are few and far between. most have big mouths and big wings with nothing to go with it..if he called my car a "JUNKER" he better have some big $ to go with his big mouth...race him and hand him his a$$...Bob

Hand him his a$$ and then take his money too.
I'm thinking if we do it somewhere that's a bit organized, I might try to get it filmed.

But who knows, it all depends on when we meet/etc.
Take his money and his pride. He has to learn to respect the GN/T-Types. If you do get it filmed please post a link:)
Yeah. And then he later says he got 'cut off'. Even though I think that's a total lie. Of all things, it cut off the other vehicle instead of him. Yet the other car still won!

Yeah, you guys are probably right. I'll teach him what's what soon enough.
My 03 Jetta 1.8T did 14.1 @ 100 w/ APR chip only. $500 to drop a second in the 1/4. Full weight and on 17" radials. Once completed mine was 13 flat all day long. That'd make a stockish buick earn it.....and whoop alot of cars before they could react.
I say race him and make him earn it, I seriously doubt he gets you.
Buick FTW!
Alright, cool.

I'll make sure to take him on in his Jetta.

We'll see how fast he is when he's trying to catch up to me.
Wolfsburg edition Jetta and M3 series

My buddy has a wolfsburg and says he plays with 5.0's and others that dont know it is turbo'd. Top end is really good, from the jump unless he knows how to shift, ahhhhhh I think you'll get him.

As far as the M3 races, mannnn they are all cocky around here and I really do love spanking them. I recently seen one coming up the freeway like a bat out of hell and it just triggered me to get on it, cought him and the turbo must have hit the sweet spot and it seems the car was lifting higher than normal. After smashing his pride he tailgated me to my exit, and he seen I was getting off and I see his mouth go, "Damnnnnnn".
Heh, I'm thinking I might try to take him to the cleaner's too.

Might just tell him to put up like 200-300 the first night. Since he thinks he can beat a Turbobuick, let him get cocky, y'know? You think he'd take that bait?

Only bet what you're willing to just never know. Anyhow, make sure to do it from a dig and no roll starts.

Good luck.
my buddy has a stock turbo jetta with a turboback exhaust, air intake and a chip. the car moves pretty good it was side by side with my buddys 80 mustang with a 351 in it from a stop. the buick took him by 5 cars (sideways through 3rd gear)