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Race to work...


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Serenity Now
Aug 11, 2002
I was on my way to work this morning when I stopped at a red light. Next to me pulled what I thought was an 88 or 89 vette with gold TA rims. It had some horrible body kit and wing that was popular in the late 80s but looks just as terrible today. The car was a metalic flake brown with gold rims so I didn't even give it a thought.

When the light turned green we both took off as normal and I noticed he was trying to stay ahead of me. His windows were so dark I couldn't tell if he wanted to race or not. Well when I looked over he punched it. I hesitated because there was a very light drizzle out so I eased into the throttle to keep up. I stayed along side of him, looked over and smiled, then slowly pulled away. The best part is my alcohol injection didn't even kick on. That means I was running less than 13lbs boost and at around half throttle. I pulled far enough on him for him to read my license plate though. "8URV8" Afterwards, he rolled down his window and gave a big thumbs up. His car looked rice, but at least he had more class than most ricers.

good kill,

he may be that guy from the new commercial, driving the vette to meet a blind date, looks like he stepped out of the seventies. a guy at the bar intercepts him and saves his blind date... pretty funny commercial .
Since I still have my eyesight after looking directly at it, I will say no! That's one ugly car!
