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Raced a Rustang.. sort of..


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May 26, 2001
Ok, so I'm coming home from work last night and I come to a light, happens to be a light where there's a nice red early 90's 5.0 LX waiting. I pull up next to it and it sounds worked, definitely not a stock car, had what looked like draglite wheels and drag radials. Of course it has the typical driver and passenger in it, with the hats on and itching to show off... I'm tired and not into running anyone because I only had 1/4 tank of gas and been encountering some knock, plus I don't know what my wastegate is set on.. as far as I know, it's around 18psi on pump gas (that's probably where the knock is coming from)..

Anyhow, the light changes and we both take off normally. He's about a car length in front of me and something inside of my head told my foot to push.. So, I pass them with the whistle and they nail it! Now it's on so I nailed it also.. I kept about 1 car length in front of them until about 75 when I shut down. They came flying past me and I laughed. I noticed I has some knock on the scanmaster but never went into enough throttle to put it in record mode. Note: I'm a lightfoot, I never go past 1/4 throttle.

Now, they're sitting at the next light.. I pull up, they don't look my way and I'm basically finished with the runs. Light changes, we both take off normally and they punch it again, so I layed into it a bit then just cruised. The moron in the passenger seat waves out the window at me and then they put the hazards on. WTF? Did these assclowns forget about 30 seconds ago when I pulled them? And I was only at 1/4 throttle!

This kinda pissed me off after that.. they're probably bragging to their friends that they destroyed a GN. I know it seemed like I wanted to go at it again but once was enough and I had to turn off about 1/2 mile up and my brakes suck so I didn't give chase.

Sorry about the length.. just wanted to vent! And what's with the ricer move they pulled with the hazards? I hate that crap..
If I find these idiots again I'm going to rip them a few more holes!
Don't worry, next time I'm going to put the pedal through the floor board on take off and not let up until I feel they've had enough punishment... :D
Originally posted by Ken87GN
Ok, so I'm coming home from work last night and I come to a light, happens to be a light where there's a nice red early 90's 5.0 LX waiting. I pull up next to it and it sounds worked, definitely not a stock car, had what looked like draglite wheels and drag radials. Of course it has the typical driver and passenger in it, with the hats on and itching to show off... I'm tired and not into running anyone because I only had 1/4 tank of gas and been encountering some knock, plus I don't know what my wastegate is set on.. as far as I know, it's around 18psi on pump gas (that's probably where the knock is coming from)..

Anyhow, the light changes and we both take off normally. He's about a car length in front of me and something inside of my head told my foot to push.. So, I pass them with the whistle and they nail it! Now it's on so I nailed it also.. I kept about 1 car length in front of them until about 75 when I shut down. They came flying past me and I laughed. I noticed I has some knock on the scanmaster but never went into enough throttle to put it in record mode. Note: I'm a lightfoot, I never go past 1/4 throttle.

Now, they're sitting at the next light.. I pull up, they don't look my way and I'm basically finished with the runs. Light changes, we both take off normally and they punch it again, so I layed into it a bit then just cruised. The moron in the passenger seat waves out the window at me and then they put the hazards on. WTF? Did these assclowns forget about 30 seconds ago when I pulled them? And I was only at 1/4 throttle!

This kinda pissed me off after that.. they're probably bragging to their friends that they destroyed a GN. I know it seemed like I wanted to go at it again but once was enough and I had to turn off about 1/2 mile up and my brakes suck so I didn't give chase.

Sorry about the length.. just wanted to vent! And what's with the ricer move they pulled with the hazards? I hate that crap..
If I find these idiots again I'm going to rip them a few more holes!


My advice to you FWIW would be to either not race at all or race and mean it, for all the marbles, pedal to the metal, so there are no questions who's faster. You'll feel better knowing that they know you are faster. But no more half assed races! ;)
Actually, it IS kind of funny with these numbnut kids nowadays and the flashers. Even if you blow them away they flash you. What losers. I was pacing some kid in an eclipse the other day in my 5.9 Durango just for the hell of it. He looked like he wanted to play cat and mouse so I was kind of into it and was just matching him move for move when the road opened up I hit it and must have looked like a freight train coming up behind him, I stayed in behind him just because and continued to match move for move. We were then separated by a couple lanes, he on the left and me on the right, I had more cars in front of me so I could not gain, until I said screw it and did a short shoulder cruise and then nailed it again and said seeya. I look in my rear view and he's flashing his 4 ways. I was like, LOL! Whatever, I just waived by by as I opened it up. After I exited the parkway, an off duty cop pulls up beside me and says to me I was driving crazy back there. I told him I agreed and that I would pipe down. I'll admit it's stupid as hell after the fact. But that damn truck really moves on the highway, it's so irresistable. Anyway, sorry to crash someone elses post, just thought I could relate to you all about the flashers. I guess they are not just for winning anymore. :rolleyes:
I know what you mean about the flasher thing.. I've had a few morons do that to me when I was just minding my own business.. I guess it either means, I won or c'mon lets race..

I posted a while back about some dumbass in a riced Civic who was messing with me on a parkway in traffic.. he was revving and lurching the matchbox car forward, then stepped on it, weaved a bit through traffic and put the hazards on... well, I just laughed doing the 35 mph in traffic and the next thing I saw was a state trooper Camaro come flying by and nailed his ricer butt! I laughed my butt off the rest of the day!! I'm glad I didn't put the pedal down that day...

Originally posted by Ken87GN
I know what you mean about the flasher thing.. I've had a few morons do that to me when I was just minding my own business.. I guess it either means, I won or c'mon lets race..

I posted a while back about some dumbass in a riced Civic who was messing with me on a parkway in traffic.. he was revving and lurching the matchbox car forward, then stepped on it, weaved a bit through traffic and put the hazards on... well, I just laughed doing the 35 mph in traffic and the next thing I saw was a state trooper Camaro come flying by and nailed his ricer butt! I laughed my butt off the rest of the day!! I'm glad I didn't put the pedal down that day...


Priceless, simply priceless! :D