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RARE Low Fuel Warning Chip


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Oct 28, 2003
I have one to sell, sorry it won't be cheap, but as these chips are super hard to find you might get one out of 12 Rivieras searched....and just finding one Riv hoping there's one in it is a treasure. Still don't understand why Buick never put em in our TR's. I should probably keep it for a spare for the 2 TR's I have, but anyway $55 will do it b4 I put it on E-bay...Again, hate to be such a prude but I've given stuff away to help others here and these are super rare
It's a small circuit board that mounts behind the dash with a lamp on it that goes where the low fuel bezel is. I had one in my GN. I guess Buick didn't use them in the GN's because by the time that thing says low fuel your in trouble. I never had luck with it and saw it come on maybe once because I never let my car get that low on fuel. These usually sell on ebay for 15 to 25 bucks at least that's what I paid for mine. :confused: Another reason there is no use for it because that's where the low alky led goes now! :D :D

Hey Jim, thanks for hi-jacking my thread with all the negative vibes...not everyone has an alky kit in their rides to install.....and the last chip I saw on E-bay when one popped up was $68 plus the guy was charging $12 :eek: in handling fees...even as far back as 6 years, Kirban was selling the few he had for $35....they're hard to find and they work just fine in my 2 TR's :mad:
It's the internet. t happens. I'm sure you'll be able to sell for what they are worth. :)
If you own one of these cars you better have alky! :eek: :D Didn't mean to flame you up just stating my experience with it. It's something perfect for ebay because I think that's the only place you'll get anything of value for it. Kirban is a great guy but we all know his prices are higher then the norm. You pay for one stop shopping with him. I thought it was a neat little thing when I installed the low fuel module in my car and then realized I never go past half or 3/4 tank. So I found my self running the car out of gas to see the damn low fuel light come on! :mad: :D

You also have to be careful selling this item to a turbo Buick crowd because as wiked87gn says this will not work in all turbo Buicks. Certain years and makes don't have the wiring there to support it. Not totally sure what years and makes have the wiring already there but there is a chance it won't work in a GN.
My 84 WH1 had the low fuel light. It would come on at 1/4 tank so I pulled the bulb and forgot about it. :D
That spot is being used by my Alkycontrol "low fuel" bulb that monitors the alky tank :) Good to know your low on that precious fluid.
I took some pics of mine tonight for you guys who never saw them..

