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Rear area grinding pop noise? What could it be?


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Cool, my car wasn't making any noise until a week or so ago. Now I am getting some noise in slow turns. I don't race the car or do any hard launches, so Im pretty sure i didn't break anything. I bought the car back in 2010 and I haven't changed out the rear dif fluid since I've had it. I plan to this weekend though, in hopes the noise disappears.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
The clutches in the posi can get sticky and make noise, chattering/grinding when turning. The tighter and slower the turn the worse it is. This is especially true after long highway drives or when the car sits for a while.

If thats the case you have to drive in tight figure eights to work the spider gears in both directions and get the oil and additive redistributed on the clutches. This is the proceedure in the factory shop manual. I dont have mine accessable but i think I do something like 10 figure 8's.
That's exactly what mine started doing. I'm just waiting for this Arkansas humidity to go away, miserable in the garage this time of year.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
The clutches in the posi can get sticky and make noise, chattering/grinding when turning. The tighter and slower the turn the worse it is. This is especially true after long highway drives or when the car sits for a while.

If thats the case you have to drive in tight figure eights to work the spider gears in both directions and get the oil and additive redistributed on the clutches. This is the proceedure in the factory shop manual. I dont have mine accessable but i think I do something like 10 figure 8's.

I did notice some clunking grinding noises when I got off the thruway or after its parked for awhile, seems like something is stuck like brake pads or something... I'm gonna change my rear diff fluid ASAP, do I need to buy a new gasket, or are they reusable?
I bought a new gasket, it was only $4.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
I bet its the clutches make sure the gear lube is full and add the posi additive the noise should go away after some drive time.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
No shavings, fluid looked good and clean. This is my first time opening up this rear end. Is there anything I should be inspecting in particular before I put the cover back on? Thanks!
As mentioned make sure it's not something mechanical that is causing the noise such as u-joints,loose bolts,etc.

Some of the gear oils have the posi/limited slip additive added into the oils. I used the Lucas gear oil the last time i changed mine and it's supposed to have the additive but i had to add a bottle to stop the noise when turning or backing-up.

Here is a link to autozone for the additive.
Back in business, I did 10-15 figure 8's in the field, then went for a drive. No noise, thanks!

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
My guess would be that the gear oil/positive traction lube has broken down. I would drain out and change the gear oil and add a bottle of positive traction lube as soon as possible and that should stop that noise for you.

I had my gears replaced and when I picked it up from the shop it made the same noises [popping and clunking] at slow speeds while turning in forward or reverse.

I brought it back and told him to put the additive in the diff. He said he did but he changed the fluid and put additive in while I watched, and now like a miracle the noises are gone.

Glad it was an easy and cheap fix for you, very rare that I get out without at least losing a few hundred from my wallet.
I like easy and cheap, but it doesn't happen very often!

Then don't get married.

Ah the good ole days when cheap and easy could be had every weekend whenever I wanted.
That reminds me.... It's Saturday night.

ENJOY !!!!!! Share on how cheap and how easy, I will live vicariously through you until you bite the bullet. :p