Retested Texas emissions today and pased with plenty to spare


New Member
Jun 3, 2002
A few weeks back i went for my annual TX inspection and failed for the 1st time in years. I originally passed the high speed (25mph) part of the test and failed the low speed (15mph) part. The low speed HC was 281 and it had to be below 152 and the CO% was 1.96 and had to be below 0.86.

Every year i just do the spring cleaning and pop the original factory chip in and it has always passed although always close and the guy testing has to baby it thru. This time i failed.

I order the "emission chip" from Turbo Tweak (Eric) and i installed it and my car passed with plenty to spare.

My low speed HC was 123 and the CO% was 0.43 (exactly half)

So i am a happy camper. In the parking lot right out of the testing bay i popped the hood, pulled the orange wire, installed my Turbo tweak alky chip, up the fuel pressure, and turned the ALKY kit back on and left the emission station a nice big long......:rolleyes: