rod and main bolts

gn powered s-10

New Member
Dec 10, 2003
does anyone know if arp makes rod and main bolts for the gn motors? if so can you please let me know where to get them,part#'s and price thanks

what will have to be resized? the main caps and rod caps? how much will the machine work cost does anyone know? and the price on the bolts?
I dont know if you are starting with an 86 or 87 engine, but it should be noted that the SPS rod bolts installed by the factory are actually better than the ARP's. Many guys have been well into the 10's with the stock bolts.
Rods and rod bolts arent Buick V6 weaknesses. Crank flex and main cap walk are.
cool thanks for the info so i can just buy stock rod bolts and just girdle the block and i should be ok, now its time for the machine shop

thanks guys
If the engine was never rebuilt and still has the original bolts, I would just resize the rods and add a girdle.
The girdle kit comes with extra long main studs. Keep your stock caps with the girdle.