Somewhere or another I have records from when I degreed in both a 208/208 hydraulic cam and the PT&E 210/210 econo roller. While the duration at 0.050" was (obviously) very close, the roller got to 0.25" lift 20 deg quicker than the hydraulic did. In other words, the roller had 40 deg more duration @ 0.25" lift than the hydraulic. That's gotta be worth some powah! Wish I didn't have to yank it out...
Just to clarify, the hydraulic had 54 deg duration @ 0.25", the roller had 96 deg. Get a lot more airflow with the valve held open that extra amount I suspect.
Last year, when all the roller cam fiasco was going on, I saw someone mention that Comp was going to look into making a good quality cast roller cam, comparable to such offerings for SBCs and such. Anyone heard of any progress on that front? Wonder if it'll ever happen. I'm not going to drop the $$$ for a billet roller kit (I just cut my losses and went back to a hydraulic), but if I could use my old parts with a new cast roller that wasn't going to crap out after a few miles, I could be swayed to try it again.