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Ronald Reagan to replace FDR on the dime?


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Zap! Commander
May 24, 2001
Congressional Republicans are pushing a bill to honor former President
Reagan by putting his profile on the dime.

But Democrats intent on keeping the existing image of former President
Franklin Delano Roosevelt are opposing the idea.

Eighty-nine Republicans are co-sponsoring the bill introduced in response
to the television mini-series "The Reagans," which one bill sponsor
described as "a wildly sophomoric polemic aimed at tarnishing the
reputation of our 40th president and his devoted wife."

"The real Reagan, as all but the least impartial observer know, created
policies that renewed economic growth, strengthened the resolve of the
free world to oppose totalitarianism and restored pride in the United
States," wrote Rep. Mark Souder, R-Indiana.
Geez there are so many other ways to honor Reagan, FDR was one of our greatest, if not the greatest president we've had and you think we should jsut up and change it? Evil Liberals?, so you don't agree with them, Thats why we call it America but if you don't think Repulbicans have thier own agendas as well, you are far to gone.
Originally posted by JDSfastGN
Geez there are so many other ways to honor Reagan, FDR was one of our greatest, if not the greatest president we've had and you think we should jsut up and change it? Evil Liberals?, so you don't agree with them, Thats why we call it America but if you don't think Repulbicans have thier own agendas as well, you are far to gone.

FDR wasn't the greatest, nor was anyone in the last 100 years. The reason why we'd put Reagan on the dime is because we can't take great Presidents like Washington, Jackson, and Lincoln off. Therefore, we have to put him on the dime. JFK is on the 50 cent piece and he wasn't anything special. He's just there because he was assassinated.
Originally posted by TurboTer
JFK is on the 50 cent piece and he wasn't anything special. He's just there because he was assassinated.

I totally disagree. I do, however, respect your opinions.:)
Originally posted by Taffy
I totally disagree. I do, however, respect your opinions.:)

Well, I don't mean to sound like I'm saying JFK sucked, but would he honestly have been put on currency if he was still alive (or had he died naturally in, let's say, 1996)? I really doubt it.
JFK is on the 50 cent piece and he wasn't anything special.

Gee, I guess standing up to the Soviet Union on putting nuclear weapons in Cuba (weapons that could hit targets in at least a 1/3 of the nation) doesn't count for anything in your book. We were literally hours away from an all out nuclear war and stood them down.:rolleyes:

I caught a little of a speech by Clark on Cspn the other day. He had something to say that was very interesting: "Republicans do not have a lock on patriotism." I agree.
You have your opionion and I have mine. I will NOT post in this thread again. I will NOT get into a flame war here. I do love America and my Turbo Buick.
Doesn't the country have more important things to be worried about at this point?????:mad:
How quickly we forget our history and a man that inspired a nation through what was probably the second most difficult time in our nation's history (the Civil War being the most difficult). If the U.S. and the allies had lost WW2 it is nearly inconceivable to imagine the type of cesspool the world would have become. I guess since this happened 60 years ago it's ancient history to most people.