rust removal from chrome wheels

1984 t-type

Murphy's Law
Jul 11, 2010
was wondering whats the best way to remove some pitted rust from some chrome factory GN wheels? not ready to send them out for reconditioning budget wont allow it right now, just want to get them cleaned up for some cruising in the spring.
was wondering whats the best way to remove some pitted rust from some chrome factory GN wheels? not ready to send them out for reconditioning budget wont allow it right now, just want to get them cleaned up for some cruising in the spring.

Fine steel wool and mothers chrome polish. ;)
I dont know about rust but with crud you cant scrub off of a chrome wheel this works. Get a can of Coke and some aluminum foil. Wet the rusted area with the Coke and with the foil wadded into a med size (golf ball) size and scrub it for a few seconds. Jon
didnt they do the coke & rust myth on myth busters and conclude that coke had no effect on the rust? not correcting just asking
I used a brillo pad straight out of the box and it worked fine...Used never dull after and buffed to a nice shine...
The loctite web site says that its not recommended for chrome. Is there another brand that safe on chrome?
I've had great luck with Naval jelly (pink stuff) -- works fine on chrome. If you can't get good results with that and cloths alone, buff with 000 steel wool. Not just any steel wool or Brillo pad-- get specifically 000 steel wool which will not mar the chrome beyond a rebuff.

This, of course, assumes only mild to moderate rust.
They sell it at most hardware stores. I don't know how many manufacturers sell it. I have cleaned up rust on chrome wheels, but many years ago. I'd remember if it damaged the chrome, so apparently, it didn't. :)
Citric acid in water solution. Get yourself a big plastic bin, put your wheel in fill water high enough to cover the entire wheel, add powdered citric acid at a concentration of 8oz per gallon of water. Let the wheel sit overnight. Rust should dissolve away. Stubborn rust can be scraped off.

Oxalic acid (wood bleach) probably works better, but it's also a lot more toxic. You can get citric acid on
diluted acid from hardware store works great, or depending on how bad the rust is, spray LCR full strength.
Eagle 1 brand Chrome cleaner.This stuff works. Make sure you have gloves and maybe a mask it's some strong stuff... I use it on my chrome truck rims every spring after the snow is gone... Works great...
What about when the chrome starts to bubble a little or has chipped or flakes of, any ideas on how to make that look presentable? I'm thinking scrape it off or sand it down but then what do I do to the spot where the chrome is missing