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Saw a dude die street racing.


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Being a former bike owner ('96 YZF 600R), I love 'em, but couldn't ever see myself owning one. Too many people cut me off, swerved into my lane, etc. Hence, I sold it.

Not long after I got mine though, a buddy of mine went in to buy a Ninja ZX-7. There was a kid in there, couldn't have been more than 18 years old and 150lbs with his pockets full of change, with his moneybag mom. He wanted to by a new Ninja ZX12, and his mom was ready to drop the cash. The salesperson (a woman who owned an FJ1200) asked how much experience he had....he replied that he'd rode a coupla dirt bikes. The saleswoman then said "You need something smaller to learn on. An FZR600 would be a good starter bike." The kid and his mom weren't satisfied with that, he wanted the ZX12. They insisted that that was the bike that they were buying. After some bickering, she declared "Look, I'm not selling you this bike. No one here will sell you this bike. No responsible dealer will sell you this bike. You don't have the experience to ride it safely." Well, the mother took this personally and said that she and her son were being discriminated against, and that she would take the dealer to court! :rolleyes: The saleswoman set her REAL straight about the power and capabilities of that ZX12, and the experience necessary to ride one. She flat out told her that if she sold them that bike, chances are the kid would kill himself on it. The woman shut up and walked out with her son with a surprised look on her face. The spoiled brat kid was pissed, but after hearing the enlightening testimony of the saleswoman, his mommy wasn't hearing one single word of his discontent.

In my opinion, the saleswoman did the right thing, and possibly even saved the kids life.

Be careful out there.

hey even a 600 is dam fast, i see so many rice bikers start with a 600 and end up with 1200+ sized bikes not even a year later. once the insurance companies catch up and start charging more money maybe they will loose some popularity.
Bikes are like guns; without an idiot holding them, they are relatively safe and under control. You ever see a bike in a dealership kill someone? Ever see a gun in a shop kill someone?

A turbo Eclipse/Civic/Prelude/Focus/Etc w/ "150 shots of nawwwwwz" is at least as dangerous. But, as mentioned before, they weigh a LOT more, and can harm many more innocent people. It happens all the time. Sad!
Having just trading in my 2001 Yamaha R6 for a new 2002 R1 a few months ago, I have to say that I hear what everyone is saying. BUT, it's NOT the bike. I have had NO close calls what so ever caused by me. My close calls have been caused by IDIOT drivers who don't feel it's necessary to actually turn their heads to look in the next lane before moving their fat a$$ over! But, on the positive note, the bike can stop much faster than ANY car out there and accelerate faster than 99% of the cars out there. So it's pretty easy to avoid the accident. It obviously maneuvers WAYYYY better than ANY car (including vettes, etc. as I've owned 2 vettes). It just takes the bike rider to be ALWAYS alert and he/she can avoid most incidents. A motorcycle safety course is worth EVERY cent. And most of all the rider MUST ride within his/her abilities and the bikes abilities!!!!!!! Going into a hairpin turn at 110 mph, is just asking to be heading towards the "light at the end of the tunnel".

Cities with Street Drag Racing

Some cities have more than their share of street drag racing related deaths. I lived in San Antonio, TX for 12 years. They have a big problem with street racing. Here is a current link to get information on them and the court system.

The link is a little long but it's worthwhile reading.

Keep racing SAFELY so everyone can enjoy another day!

Drew:) :D
tazgn has a good point about bikes being able to stop faster then a car.I have seen plenty of people almost get run over because they stop there bike fast and person behind them couldn't stop as fast and almost run's them over.Let's just face fact's bikes are just way dangerous.I don't care how good of a rider you are if someone decides to pull out from the side at just the wrong moment or hit you hard from behind youre dead.No thank's I think I will stick to something that has some protection.
turbo buicks

Sorry, I was out of touch with this thread for a while. Clubman bars are handlebars that curve forward then angle back and down. They tend to make you lean forward and lay on the tank more than standard UJM (Universal Japanese Motorcycle) bars do. Not as extreme as "clip-ons" which are basically two handgrips you attach right to the forks/headset. They put them on roadrace bikes before the current trend of plastic bodied rice/race bikes became available. Think pre-Honda Interceptor. I'm gonna replace them with flatter superbike bars. More upright.
I dont thnk its the bike at all.....Its respocibilty......I rode a 99 busa today about 200 has about 15000 niles now.....I did get on it a few times......just likedriving a fast car......the bike is fast.....and does it easy.....I ran probably 180 today......on a glass smooth wide road with no ajacent roads and no cars......basically the perfect plce to do traffic Im probably more aware then most.....and that cpmes with experience......

Anyways they are just like guns or cars .....when in the wring hands they are all deadly..... even at 30 mph..........
Dogs, gravel in the road, blow a tire..............180mph???????

Dude, you have a false sense of security. I hope you remain lucky.