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ScanMaster vs Turbo Link 4.0


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Nucking Futs
Dec 28, 2005
Pros and Cons of the two. Which is the better on to have. Any suggestions? I have Turbo link 4.0 currently, It came with the car. The problem is that I dont have a lap-top comp. So I was thinking of selling it to buy a scanmaster. What do you guys think? Thanks for any help....

Put it on the dash and it will give you all the information you need. Direct Scan is a better diagnostic and tuning tool than Turbolink, but you need a laptop for both. I would rather glance at the Scanmaster at WOT than at a laptop!
I am biased, though, my brother invented the Scanmaster...
turbopete said:
Direct Scan is a better diagnostic and tuning tool than Turbolink, but you need a laptop for both.

So T-link is basically a larger scanmaster. Right? I know with t-link you cant tune.

fatride said:
I'll trade you for a Scanmaster 2.1?????????

Let me get back to you....
More or less, yes.
The data Direct Scan gives you is much more comprehensive if you have a laptop to gather it.
Not to mention faster....Pretty sure that T-Link uses the ALDL connection and has the slower(every 1.5 sec??) refresh rate that the SM does... Direct Scan
can grab 18 frames of info per second.
graza002 said:
Pros and Cons of the two. Which is the better on to have. Any suggestions? I have Turbo link 4.0 currently, It came with the car. The problem is that I dont have a lap-top comp. So I was thinking of selling it to buy a scanmaster. What do you guys think? Thanks for any help....

They are not even close. I have probably well over 100 logs using Turbo link 4.0 and it is extremely useful. I can read the MAF all the way up to 512, boost sensing, audible alarms set, graphs, & spreadsheet data for real analysis. It doesn't have the same refresh rate as direct scan, but if your engine has knock, it will show up by sound(if you set it up that way) and KR during a recording. If it's bad enough, it will last more than a second. I have it setup up so if my KR exceeds 1 degree, it plays music & begins recording automatically so I don't need to look at the screen at all until I stop to save the file. Then I can play it while sitting in my livingroom.

I prefer to look at spreadsheet data so I can see everything on the same line at once. I would get a laptop and use the Turbolink software because it offers much more than people realize that don't use it often or have never used it at all. Also with an inexpensive DC to A/C converter, you never have to worry about the battery in the laptop.
The ScanMaster is easier to use than T-link, since there is no laptop involved. It sits on the dash, or where ever, and you look at when you want. It is useful for setting the IAC, or the TPS, and you can monitor O2,or air temp, or any other parameter while you drive. With the T-link, it is much better to look at the read outs AFTER you drive, rather than while, and you can see how things change as you go through gears, and through the rpm range of the engine. DirectScan uses direct imput into the ECM, rather than the ALDL data, so you get a more complete record. But some cars, with some chips, have performance problems with DirectScan, so that is a potential issue.
ScanMaster is powered off the car's electrical system, and so you never have to deal with batteries. The laptop may function off the inverter plugged into the lighter, or maybe not. If you read enough of the discussions about T-Link and DirectScan, you will find a number of stories about problems using the inverter, and how to solve them.
Ormand said:
The ScanMaster is easier to use than T-link, since there is no laptop involved. It sits on the dash, or where ever, and you look at when you want. It is useful for setting the IAC, or the TPS, and you can monitor O2,or air temp, or any other parameter while you drive. With the T-link, it is much better to look at the read outs AFTER you drive, rather than while, and you can see how things change as you go through gears, and through the rpm range of the engine. DirectScan uses direct imput into the ECM, rather than the ALDL data, so you get a more complete record. But some cars, with some chips, have performance problems with DirectScan, so that is a potential issue.
ScanMaster is powered off the car's electrical system, and so you never have to deal with batteries. The laptop may function off the inverter plugged into the lighter, or maybe not. If you read enough of the discussions about T-Link and DirectScan, you will find a number of stories about problems using the inverter, and how to solve them.

I went through this recently and the problem is actually with the laptops and not the inverters. When you go to WOT, the power to the inverter decreases or shuts off momentarily killing the power to the laptop in some cases. This is a problem if you don't have a properly functioning battery or no battery at all in the laptop because it shuts off. I purchased a new battery for my laptop off of Ebay and haven't seen this problem again in 50+ logs. That's another story though.
the problem is actually with the laptops and not the inverters
Haven't tried the inverter myself, just use two batteries, keep one charged. But I remember that some folks had problems with the inverter- "noise" from the inverter would cause the laptop to malfunction, lose data, or something. Not all inverters, and not all laptops, though. Just something abou the wave form from some inverters not being right for some laptops, as I remember.
Scanmaster is great for daily use - on the dash at all times.
T-link is good to log runs and make more detailed evaluation. I don't even go to the track, but I run winaldl (poor boys logger) every once in a while, and after I make any new mods.
What everybody says above is true....

This topic is polarizing in our community. Some knock-down and drag-out clashes in the past as we go over and over this same topic.

I would add three points:

- Increased data rates are available for Turbolink (to about six data points per second).

- If you keep the Tlink or use a scan master or direct scan, install an audible knock device too.

- You can go Here for a pretty fair comparison of four of the scan tools available.

If you're a serious racer, go direct scan. If not, use the Tlink you already have (you can get a cheap laptop easily).
Lee_Burough said:
This topic is polarizing in our community. Some knock-down and drag-out clashes in the past as we go over and over this same topic.

Seems like a no brainer to me!

I would add three points:

- Increased data rates are available for Turbolink (to about six data points per second).

I don't think so, at least not with the Regal ECU. Maybe the Sy/Ty, that has a different ECU. (Read the fine print :rolleyes: )

T-link will always be slooooow. Too slooow to use for serious racing or tuning on the edge. Waste of $$. Alot can happen in 1.5 seconds. If you are going to all the trouble of driving around with a laptop flopping around in the seat, might as well get some decent info out if it, ie.directscan.
turbo2nr said:
....Snip....I don't think so, at least not with the Regal ECU. Maybe the Sy/Ty, that has a different ECU. (Read the fine print :rolleyes: )

T-link will always be slooooow. Too slooow to use for serious racing or tuning on the edge. Waste of $$. Alot can happen in 1.5 seconds. If you are going to all the trouble of driving around with a laptop flopping around in the seat, might as well get some decent info out if it, ie.directscan.

:rolleyes: You force me to fill a gap in your education ;)

I've had an extender chip and a Turbotweak chip report 6 extra data points on my recordings per ECU round (once each 1.25 seconds)....The chip burner eliminates some less necessary fields during that 1.25 second cycle and adds extra fields you use for tuning. With the faster rate, directscan is only three times faster than Tlink, NOT eighteen times faster as some conclude. Like I said, if you're a racer, use directscan, if not, you're money ahead since you already own Tlink to use it.

Let me spell it out for you....Instead of just one MAF reading per 1.25 second time window, the chip programmer can report a MAF or O2 or KR reading several times in each 1.25 second turn, however he decides to prioritize the repetative/additional data fields.

I don't care how you go, just make an informed decision. :) Its a very closed mind that can't see advantages to each of these systems. :biggrin:

P.S. The audible knock detector makes a lot of these arguments moot.
Screw it all and get a FAST. That's what i did. My education for the OEM ECU is over. Thanks for the info. I need help filling the gap in my wallet. Can you help?
Go to a very dark room, turn on a strobe light and start running as fast as you can. Do you feel comfortable? IMO this is TLink. TLink runs off of the ALDL port and has a slower refresh rate than DirectScan. It use to be one update for every 1.25 seconds. I think TLink has a better refresh rate now but it's not 18. Think of the distance you cover in that amount of time without any data to log.

Now, turn on the light and run as fast as you can. IMO this is DirectScan. 18 updates per second.

It's your call. Pick one that you feel the most comfortable with and that fits your budget.
graza002 said:
Pros and Cons of the two. Which is the better on to have. Any suggestions? I have Turbo link 4.0 currently, It came with the car. The problem is that I dont have a lap-top comp. So I was thinking of selling it to buy a scanmaster. What do you guys think? Thanks for any help....

I'm trying to determine if people are just not paying attention. I don't see anywhere in the original post the mention of which one is better between Directscan or Turbolink. I think most people that have been following these boards are aware that directscan is ultimately better for tuning. The fact is Turbolink offers plenty of other features over scanmaster.

I personally don't want a car that I have to have a tool like scanmaster staring at me all of the time. I drove a 10 second 99 GT on the streets for 2 years on 93 octane without any such tool and never broke anything. This is why I liked the Extender chip. I went from 340 grams/sec to 480+ with the new setup without ever touching a thing for tuning and the O2s stayed in the low 800s.

Once the car is setup up properly, a person shouldn't have to constantly look at something unless you are at the track tuning for current conditions or something is wrong and are trying to fix it. Otherwise, I think some gauges to monitor vitals(oil, boost, fuel, knock, water, etc) in case something goes wrong and an audible knock sensor is perfect for daily/fun driving and a scantool for when you make changes. If an event happens, and quickly, it's doubtful that Scanmaster is coming to the rescue. This is just my opinion and how I drive my car. I run 20-21 psi on straight pump gas and haven't lost a head gasket yet so Turbolink must be working to some degree.
Please show me in the original post where the person asked about Directscan. :rolleyes:
Sorry for the confusion Mark87GN. Someone PM'd me on this thread and I replied here instead. That's why I am discussing DS.