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scared SH*TLESS


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Active Member
Oct 23, 2002
Im new to TRs but I have been in to g bodies for a long time, I've got a 86,442 along with a 87 gn that I bought a few weeks ago. Today around lunch time me and a friend who works at the same shop decided to go get some food. On the way to the restaurant I came across a late 80s mustang convertible with a BLOWER and slicks. There was a 2 mile stretch out in front of us with no cars, at least I thought. When the light turned green he got a bit of a jump on me and the turbo lag did not help any but when i started pulling 23 psi i gained and stayed with him for a good mile, i was determined to get in front of him, and i did, by the end of the race i had 2 cars on him and my Speedo was reading 130 mph but as soon as the race was over a green 70s caddy pulled out in front of me,we were all screaming SH*T. I slammed on the brakes locking them up and slid what felt like 200 feet. The moron in the caddy froze like a deer in the head lights, i mean he stoped dead in the middle of the street but right before I was about it nail him right in the side I let off the brake and floored it in to a left turn. I thought i had missed him but later inspection of the right corner of my front bumper showed that i had not missed him. I some how lightly tagged the rear bumper of that caddy at 70 mph and all i got out of the deal was a scuff that took about 5 mins to buff out. The guy that was ridding with me was white as a ghost and to top that off he left fingernale marks on the roof and yanked my trim loose. I think im going to cool down on the street racing for a while that last one was to close.
Ok I'm confused... the race was over a mile long, and you were just breaking 130? On a speedo that stops at 85? Even with a fairly stock setup, you should be over 100mph in 1320', not 5280'. And hitting someone at 70mph would leave more than just a scuff mark that you can buff out in 5 minutes.
sorry about that i was exaggerating, it was around 1/4 of a mile i would have to say. i don't know much about the gn, i do know that its got a te 70 turbo, 2 1/2 inch intercooler necks, larger injectors i believe he sed #55s,k@n intake, 145 mph Speedo, a chip but im not sure what it is, dual electric fuel pumps, 4.10 gears (at least he told me they were),shift kit, 65 mm throttle body, Houston Downpipe some other goodies

the last owner told me that the gn would run 11.60 but i haven't been to the track to back that up and about the scuff mark it actually did buff out, i think i hit a plastic bumper guard but it left a little 1 inch scrape on the right side of the bumper that i took out in 5 mins with some compound then i hand glazed it with plum crazy. you have to remember i grazed him, if i did nail him square with the corner of the car i would have most likely been dead if not in a hospital.;)
I'm not trying to be a ****, but if you don't know exactly what your car has in it for mods, you shouldn't be racing it. It's way too risky! You could blow that motor in a second. I just don't understand why you would buy a car and THINK it has a T-70(which is a really big turbo), 4:10 gears and all that other stuff you mentioned. Does it have a scan tool of any kind? That should be you first purchase if it doesn't. It just seems silly that you MIGHT have all that motor work done and you don't even know if the chip is the right one for your injectors?!


This guy is either on crack, or he's actually TONY BALONI in disguise.
AND now the mile is down to a qtr and the car is running 130?/ Get a life!! You r gonna need it, being that dumb....

What a bunch of crap!!!:p :p :p
lol what ever, i know I've got a te 70 its a 3 bolt turbo, read the first MSG a little better and sorry to burst your bubble but I've got a scan tool, it came with the car. I called the former owner about an hour ago the chip is a thrasher, besides the chip the only thing I was not to sure about was the injectors but he also cleared up the fact that the injectors WERE Siemens #55 injectors, yes the computer was modified to run a low impedance injector. It's true I've only had the car for 3 weeks but its a strong runner and I know enough about it and its setup to keep from blowing head gaskets or worse. Guss not all TR newbies are morons.:p
whats shoved up your ass, i nearly get killed and your being a smart ass. dude just **** off
Whats up?/

I'll tell you what's up. It's A$$holes like you that run cars like you have described in your stupid little post that pisses me off...
if you hadn't been showing how stupid you really are, you wouldn't be relating a story of how close you came to being in a wreck.. Sad part of it is, the person most likely to get hurt or killed would have been the Caddy driver, and not your dumass..
As for FO? Stop by and I'll show you what FO really is all about!!
PUNK!:p :p
I'm not trying to be an @$$, but yeah, you nearly got killed, because of YOUR completely dumb and irresponsible actions. No reason to flip out on Chuck....and sorry, but I have to agree with the others on the validity of the story.
where can i get a thrasher chip for 55# injectors?? :D

so what happened to the mustang guy?? THIS IS THE KILLS SECTION

if he was behind you, he would have hit your dumba$$ :) when you did your superfly manuever on the highway-

would you care to elaborate on this??

better watch out for those hard to see in the middle of the road lincoln continentals :) one might jump out and getcha :rolleyes:

check this out
Screw this, I posted a kill that nearly got me killed and I get made fun of as far as I care you all can **** off. I would have expected a little more maturity on the subject but guss not. as for the mustang he was not right on my ass you dumb ass he was in the right hand lane and managed to get around the car to.

As for you creeper your a ****en moron, this is a KILLS forum it general has to do with street racing, if you cant accept the fact that things are how they are then shut the **** up. if you don't like me telling a story then tough ****.
ROTFLMAO!!!!!! dudes do you even know what equalizer IS?!!! this guy right here is a legend, he knows what he's talkin about. frikkin ask anyone in Roanoke, VA and beyond about the equalizer or the 442. they're know exactly who he is. you dip f***s are such losers!! lmao!!! so sad....sad sad sad. ::points and laughs::
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