It is absolutely not a lie. Mike has admitted it here:
Mirror's? I've Got Several !!
Well, There's a long story about this. I sold David an instrument cluster surround that had four small holes in the side of it as I had my tach mounted there. I put two nice Buick pins on it to cover the holes. He was fine with that & I only charged him $50 for it instead of my normal $75.Well FedEx lost the damn thing, so I put in a claim & never got a dick shit from them. I told David I'd send him an excellent one. Well then, I had some bad luck. My shop burned and I broke my back. Sorry but I didn't get it shipped right out. Next thing I know he is threatening me to go on the board & slam me.
WELL I don't take people threatening me very well so guess what? I don't give a shit if he ever gets one.
As most of you guys know I've been at this Buick game for 31 years plus and have sold to many, many of you. I have NEVER screwed anyone out of one thing. Sorry for this Rant but he totally pissed me off with his childish threats. Mike
Mike has an interesting way of telling the story.
It took about a week to reply about the part. I agreed to buy it and sent the money via pay-pal covering the interest as a gift because I know it's tough to have a 3rd party skimming your money as a seller.
After 2 weeks, I inquired about the part as it hadn't arrived. A week later I got an e-mail asking if it had arrived yet. I replied "no". Mind you... I never saw any shipping information no this. Simply Mike's word which I was perfectly fine with.
Mike asked me to call him. I got a voice mail and left my information with a request to call me back. He didn't. The next day I called again and was told that Fed-Ex lost the package. I was willing to accept this with a simple question, "How do we make this right." Mike agreed to send me a different one. I was fine with that.
Two weeks later, I sent an e-mail asking where the part was (requesting tracking information). I waited a week with no reply. Please note: I'm not pestering. I'm not hounding multiple times a day. I'm not calling him repeatedly. I'm being as considerate as possible.
On the two month anniversary, I lost it. I sent an e-mail asking Mike to either send the damn part or deal with me replying to every add he makes with what I've said above. Mike replied to the e-mail with "I'll send the damn part tomorrow. It's much less important than his wife's dementia which he's been having to deal with." That changed to a garage fire and broken back in the above quote.
Now Mike blames me for him not sending the part as he doesn't respond to threats. He has still kept the money.
I was not being unreasonable. I was not being impatient. Mike took advantage of that at every opportunity.
I will continue to tell people this whenever he posts an add.