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Shakey Knee's+ dirty undees


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Sep 11, 2003
BTW, I still have my 1986 Grand National I bought new.

I had owned a 1981 TR-8 Convertible with the Buick 215 alluminim V-8 and was looking for a new Roadster last year. I really feel in love with a BMW 3.0 Z4 and now that my farm is paid for (I Am old as dirt), I was able to buy one.
It has a very similar 1/4 ET as my stock '86 GN but has a huge top(155MPH) end and handles great in the curves.
225HP 3000lbs SMG six speed.

I was heading home from work at the plant (I work the grave yard shift 6 PM till 6 AM), and stopped at a light on a deserted 4 lane HWY 64. An old but real nice supra pulled up next to me at a light. The car was impeccable and no RICE Gizm, just had a real nice stance with big tires and beautifull red paint.
We took off from the light and no matter when I shifted he did the same staying right on my door. I could hear the familair whistle of a turbo under his hood. This was not a supra turbo but an after market setup, and again done in real nice taste. I looked over and saw a guy about my age stroking it through the gears.
We went on like this for about 8 miles and no mater how I varied my speed this guy would stay right at my door. Being an old gear head I knew what he was thinking. He worked real hard on his set up and wanted to put a notch on his belt for killing a rich bastard in a BMW. Little did he know I was not rich and was a GN shade tree mechanic.

Anyway we hit a piece of staight road that went on for over 2 or 3 miles. We were the only cars on the road and it was just breaking dawn.
He couldn't take it any more and nailed it. I heard him go into boost and I down shifted into 4th gear at 65 MPH. I should have hit 3rd, my revs were too low and he walked a 1.5 to 2 car lead on me. By the time I hit 5th he was not pulling anymore and black smoke was streaming out his dump. Midway through my 5th gear I was catching him slow but sure and I was within 3/4 of car and gaining near the top of 5th. I felt that I had nothing to prove after I was catching him from behind, I looked at my speedo and I was just over 138MPH and clocking. I said to myself, Holy S@*!. I let off when I was comming right on his bumper. He stayed in it with black smoke pouring out his dump.
The road at this point made a sweeping left turn. He must have been going at least 135 MPH when he started into that slow turn.
I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw a Crown Vikie with a low profile bubble gum machine comming the other way into the turn.
The Big Ford Crusier turned on his lights and nailed it. The next place for him to turn around was an over pass about a mile back. I looked down at my speedo when I saw him and I was just under 100MPH.
I had plenty of time to think. There was an exit about 3/4 of a mile ahead but I said it ain't worth running, I am too old. I will just have to tell the Judge I had a hot flash. I set the curise to 65MPH and waited to get hung out to dry.
Sure enough about 3 min later I looked in the rear view and saw this Crown Victoria from hell with the front end in the air and the lights flashing comming up REAL fast. I put my directional on and pulled over.
He went right by me. He was after real red meat. All I can think of is that his radar locked on to the Supra at 135 MPH+ and he was trophy hunting.
Anyway my kness were knocking cause I was going 35 MPH over the speed limit not to mention racing.
All I saw where taill lights from that Ford State Tropper, I know he was going 125 when he went by me.
About 10 miles down HWY 64 I saw a blue light flashing in front of me on the side of the road. When I drove by I saw the NCHP had the guy in handcuffs.
I had about 4 more miles to get home. I drove my Z4 into the barn and hid in the woods for a half hour waiting for them to come after me. I figured the guy in the Supra would say anything to save his ass, maybe tell the Cop that a guy in a Z4 pulled a gun on him and he was just trying to get away,(hell I would have!!). Long story short, I walked into the old farm house said good moring to the wife and went and changed my underware.
nice run. one thing i hate about the old buick is that the speedo only says 85 and we all know its more than capable for 130,140,150....
You know ever since that day I have always wondered what kept me from dumping it into 6th gear and passing that guy.:eek:
Maybe a basic survival instinct :D .
Well written... I enjoyed that story.

Funny how sometimes you have to give up to win...

Originally posted by bogie1
He worked real hard on his set up and wanted to put a notch on his belt for killing a rich bastard in a BMW.

:DI laughed over and over again when I read that:D
Great story, reminds me of a time when I ended up in jail due to speeding in my Buick (12 years ago). The cop came up and asked if I knew how fast I was going, with a smirk I just replied "nope, the speedometer only goes to 85".

The cop did not like that and I was pulled from the car. I got this huge lecture about speeding and I guess it took him 11 miles to catch me. Needless to say, it sucked and I dont that any more. :)
If the rest of you guys on here only knew the rep. the NCHP has. They are vicious which I am sure there are some places where they are worse than here but I know exactly what your talking about. I can't stand law enforcment with a chip on their shoulder!

What part of NC are you from ?

I definately like the story! :cool: