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OOOOHHHHH NNNOOOO , The nitrous phsyico has awakened. The man with nitrous in his veins and racing gas coming out his *$$. Even his fiance has to sleep in a separate room because his king size bed has only enough room for him and his N20 bottles.:eek: :eek: :eek:
it seems that race gas could get quiet expensive in a daily driven car. I drive my car every day...which one would be the most cost effective..alky or race gas? I have seen the benefits of race gas..and have heard of the benefits of alcohol w/pump gas. I want to run the boost...but don't want to spend over 100 dollars to fill my tank up. as far as nitrous thanks.
it seems that race gas could get quiet expensive in a daily driven car. I drive my car every day...which one would be the most cost effective..alky or race gas? I have seen the benefits of race gas..and have heard of the benefits of alcohol w/pump gas. I want to run the boost...but don't want to spend over 100 dollars to fill my tank up. as far as nitrous thanks.
where can you get a 55 gallon drum of race gas for 165? I'd like to get my hands on that..lets see..55 gallonsx$5.00 a gallon...whats that like 275 bucks. what octane is the gas? lemme know
oh my god

I didn'y know she was still sleeping in the house, what the heck:eek: i need that extra room to keep the bottles warm:D

i am starting to get light headed, i need a quick hit of the nipple:p

ok! I admit i was never a alcohilc (alky):( ...i went right pass that and became a drug addict;)

I was wondering can i give the up pipe a mohawk and run nozzles all the way up the middle:rolleyes:

damn i think one of these bottles in here are leaking , i feal funny:D ;) :p :)wilkinshc GET TO WORK AND CHANGE THE BANDAID ON THAT THUMB.

We can get 117 for $3 a gallon, if you buy it in 55 barrel. (Albuquerque NM).

as far as nitrous thanks

Until you try it or seen someone personal that has used it on our cars you will never know the benefit of using it. I have heard alot of guys that once they have use it were surprise that it wasn't the monster they heard it was. And it is alot cheaper then the turbo,intercooler, and other mods you need to do the samething with a little nitrous.

Just food for thought.

BOTLFED, why start working now and ruin my reputation now.:cool: