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SMC Controller box getting hot?!?!


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May 28, 2001
On the trip to work this morning, the low alcohol light came on. Strange....I checked under the hood last night to check oil, etc and the tank was 7/8's full.

It was raining hard and I thought that maybe the connector at the tank got's happened before and the low alcy light came on. Dry off the connector and everything's kosher.

Well the connector was dry. Hmmmm. So I get a long screwdriver and wiggle the float around. Get back in the car and the low alcy light is out....COOL...float must have gotten stuck.

Well....during all of this I noticed that the controller box felt a little warm. I've never noticed this before. But of course, I've never made it a habit to feel the controller box (HA!)

I drove the car at lunch and the alcy come on....seems to be working just fine. But the controller box still feels a little warm. (Bottom side)

Has anyone noticed this before? Is it normal, or should I worry?
I've had the SMC kit installed for over a year and it hasn't missed a lick.
