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SMC dual nozzle alky system install gone bad


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Boost is good.
Jul 14, 2001
so far i have drilled the holes in the up pipe which are 25/64" holes...the nozzle fit ok but i accidently tightened one of them too hard and it bent the end of one of the nozzles off so now it's just open in the back of the nozzle with it looks like part of a spring showing...can i still use this nozzle or is it bad and do i need a new one...i figure it looks like it will still flow alky through it...

another thing i am having problems with it the brass fittings on each side seem way too loose against the up pipe...what i mean is that the rubber washers that are inside the up pipe with the head of the nozzle and the brass fittings that go against the outside of the pipe seem too loose and too much play...i can't get it to where it's tight because the rubber washer will just slip over the head of the nozzle when i tighten...will i be ok if it's a little loose? it don't look like it's gonna leak but it far i am pretty disappointed with the install part of this system...maybe i am just stupid or anxious but it shouldn't be this hard should it???
It ain't all that easy really. I re-engineered mine a bit.

Anyway McMaster Carr has the nozzles and so does Steve.

I bought spares they are about $4-$5 each.

M10 or M15 for greater flow.

You probably have an M10 now.

No you can't use the nozzle without the filter on the end.
there's no place locally i could buy a new nozzle? man i waited forever to get this thing and now i gotta wait more:(
So you screwed up the nozzle when installing them..and bitch..

Take your medicine and wait for the replacement part you damaged.

I hate posts like these..cuase they smear a product..

Originally posted by Razor
So you screwed up the nozzle when installing them..and bitch..

Take your medicine and wait for the replacement part you damaged.

I hate posts like these..cuase they smear a product..


excuuuuuse me buddy...i bet you haven't ever made a mistake in your life haven't you:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

post wasn't intended to put down SMC at all actually...i like the kit...i just made a few mistakes and was just asking a few questions...
How bout..

Where can I get replacement nozzles for an SMC kit?

Instead of SMC dual nozzle alky system install gone bad :mad:

Do you see the difference in tone between those two statements..

Ya probably dont :rolleyes:
I have an SMC single nozzle kit and I screwed up the nozzle (my own stupidity, totally). I emailed SMC and he just sent me a new one without any charges. I called him after I emailed him and explained that it was my fault not his and Steve said, "Crap happens now what is your address." :) :) :)

SMC makes a great product and stands behind it 110%!!:D

Paul Beal
oh yeah i am not doubting the system at fact i just hooked up my power injection light in the dash to the control box and i ran my open steel line to the top of the alky tank to test out the light and the works good...

it's a very fine system...just kinda tricky to install the nozzles on the inlet pipe...i learn the hard way most of the time so i should be used to this by now...i emailed steve today and hopefully he can hook me up...i guess i am just extremely anxious to get this thing done:)

why the hell is everyone so freekin hostile?who the hell cares what the post title says.he wasn't downing the product,just venting...i'm this is getting pretty silly everyone jumpin' down each others throat and what not..can't we all just get along..... and by the way razor......cuase is really spelt cause!! lol.... please guys chill out and relax alittle............................joel:)
Same thing happen to me on one of the nozzle, i just repair it my self and still running good ( hope i fixed it right )

I used a little JD weld on the inside washer to hold the brass fitting in the up pipe.

The system runs great, it is WORTH the wait !!!
Hang in there

guys i got both nozzles to work now...i didn't tighten the thing too tight this time...just put some teflon paste on the treads and went as tight as i could without overtighting...everything is nice and snug now...i tested both nozzles (took the uppipe off and angled it to the alky bottle so the alky would drip into the bottle...both nozzles spray a nice fine mist)

i went for a short WOT run on the way home from work and WOW i got up to 22 lbs of boost and absolutely no knock...i believe the alky kicks in at 12-13 lbs of boost and the pump speed is 7...although i was getting a surge at the top end like around 100 mph and 4500 rpm or so...i think maybe i was spraying too much alky? turn the pump speed down? what would cause that surge...remember i have two nozzles spraying
If the surge means you are picking up power, and gaining speed this could mean you are slightly flooding and the higher timing at the top of each gear allows you to burn the mix off really well.

I believe that it was Blackbuick that said to tune for the top end (end of run). This is damm good advise since there is a possibility for knock when you are:

(1) Under load in third gear for a longer time.

(2) Cylinder temps have risen to their highest level.

I'm glad to see you have success with this.

You could next try to delay the turn-on point just a hair but At this point for serious tuning you need an egt (imo) to monitor temps so you can see the effects of the various adjustments.

You can still raise the boost, lower fuel pressure, lower the pump sped, or advance timing to lean things out. Don't do any of these things until you can watch temps.

In tuning at this point you are going to experience knock until you get the most out of the system. With an egt, you can watch the temps rise and see when you are getting into trouble. This will allow you to let off the throttle before knock begins.

Until you get an egt, you are flying blind, and can do serious damage to the bearings. Enjoy your success for now and wait for the egt to get the last bit out of the system. Then you will be ready for the track where you can try the various combinations you have tried beforehand and see how each cambination stands up to the track.

Another alchy success story! :)