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SMC Low Alky Light on w/Full Tank??


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Evans Ward

Love those LC2/ Y56 cars!
May 24, 2001
Need some feedback with you SMC users- kit has worked flawlessly up to this point. Cleaned engine today with purple power and topped off alky tank since it was about half full. Red low alcohol light is now illuminated after this (stays on- doesn't flash). Pump working fine per test prime switch. Anything I can do to get the red light off? I tried cleaning RCA jack areas with compressed air and tapped side of tank by float. Wondered if any of you had experienced this before and could give suggestions on what to do? May be time to call Steve C. TIA! :)
I had the exact same thing happen to me today. I'm not sure what the cause is either.

Hey bigz!

My problem corrected itself as when I got in the car this morning for my commute and the red light was off! Suppose it was condensation from the engine cleaning. I did take a long BBQ grill fork and tapped on the float in the tank. You might want to try that. Hope yours corrects itself too.
Give the float a poke.

It should move upwards and reset the light.
someone posted that the float sinks sometime with straight alky, but when you add much water the klotz lube does not work well. so how are you going to win? darrell
hey my tank and pump is sent off for repair so i got the loose wires in the engine bay and they got wet in the rain. think that makes the low alky light stay on? mine is staying on and it just rained.
Originally posted by turbo buicks
hey my tank and pump is sent off for repair so i got the loose wires in the engine bay and they got wet in the rain. think that makes the low alky light stay on? mine is staying on and it just rained.

Could be? My prob happened right after I cleaned the engine with the Purple Power cleaner and water rinse. After everything dried the next day, my problem went away. Since that time, low alky light hasn't appeared. Nothin' but denatured in my tank too. My car is driven some in the rain and light hasn't appeared as a result of that. If me, I'd air dry and use compressed air on the ends then take a baggie and twist tie over those connectors until you get your parts back. Great product that SMC and one of the best mods I've done to my car!
thanks. i just lightly dried the connectors and the light is dimmer. fully dry and it should go off. thanks for your help:)
Try this..put some dialectric grease on your "rca" terminals on top of the bottle to displace corrossion. The same stuff used on spark plug boots. I actually have silicone boots from an ignition coil covering my terminals..covers them rite to the bottle. I packed silicone where the wires went through the boot.

I had a failure of my motor connector early with my kit..pump would intermittantly spray..would push down on the terminal and it would soon as I pulled the connector and inspected it..whalla...ends up the alky..corrossive was the culprit..ever since I cleaned/greased em more problems.

This is a small flaw in the kit. I wish the connectors on top of the bottle were different or not there..becuase of the alcohol. Those tin connectors are no match for solvents.

Again cost is an issue when these kits are made..if everything were gold and mil spec..would cost a bazillion dollars.
true. today i noticed the light is gone away after the terminals dried. i think i got some dielectric grease here. ill put that on when i get the new pump/tank back.