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SMC Questions


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May 24, 2001
Getting ready toi buy an SMC there anything I should know about this before I drop the bucks for one. I hear alot of people having the pump go out on them with the older styles..has that been fixed?? Thanks

Buy a quart of Klotz lube with the kit best stuff I have used so far with alky. and water mix.

Worth the $10. :)
Several years ago I use to race R/C boats powered by Nitro and Methanol...Klotz and Ucon was the only lubes that would mix and protect these engines turning over 30,000 rpm. I never had problems with corrosion either.

Fast Eddie..If your asking how much lube I added per gallon of fuel....

In the smaller engines with 70% nitro I used 15% of the lube by volume with methanol making up the other 15%

In the larger motors with 50% nitro I used 18% lube by volume with the methanol taking up the rest

Ucon lubricants seemed to burn better than Klotz did at the time but 5 gals of Ucon was over $150 back in 1995 to Klotz's $60 per 5 gallons. Ucon was 100% synthetic while Klotz was a mixture. Klotz believed that while the synthetics were great for extreme rpm's and heat they didnt offer a lot of protection as far as corrosive resistance to Nitro and Meth. Since that time synthetics have come along way. Dont know what type of Klotz oil everyone is using now with there alchy but I do know that alot of people are using Klotz synthetics in R/C stuff now with no corrosive problems.

BTW some of these single engine R/C boats with pistons the size of a quarter (.67cc) have run over 90 mph

Hi Bob.....Is the Klotz just a motor oil or is it something different? If motor oil, what weight should we use? Thanks.
Hey Jim
Sorry to mislead you..I used the term Klotz oil and I meant lube.

The Klotz that I used in R/C was specifically designed for lubrication and corrosive is not a motor oil. When I talked to the Klotz rep. years ago at the annual R/C show in Indiana, I was told that next to developing a product that had significant corrosive resistence they had to develop a product that would mix with Methanol and not restrict the flame front in the cylinder like oil based products do under high compression. Just like our cars...these little motors would dentonate themselves apart with straight oil as a lube mixed with fuel. Here is the link to the Klotz website. Alot of good stuff here...

Just for kicks I called Klotz today and spoke with one of their tech guys. (Ben) He told me that the Uplon lube is the best for any type of alchy/meth injection. He also stated that the IRL guys tested the Uplon along with several other lubes on their alchy systems and found it to be superior. Uplon does not leave any oily residue in the intake track either...

