You can upgrade to Aquamist lines, solenoid, and nozzles for about $200.
Here is the way I did it.
First install the adapter to go from Steves line to 10mm line. From there you go to a 'Y' connector. One side goes to another 'Y', and then into (2) 1 mm nozzles. This is the first stage and will activate spray into the system with the same settings you have for the SMC system.
The other side of the 'Y' feeds into an aquamist solenoid that is activated by a seperate Aquamist 'hobs style' pressure switch that is spliced into the vacuum line right beside the SMC switch. The output line from the solenoid goes to a 'Y' connector. One side of this 'Y' feeds a 1 mm Aquamist nozzle, the other a .8 mm.
Always run the 'hot' (positive) side to the hobbs switch, and to the solenoid, then use a common ground for activation.
I bought an interior light to set up the Aquamist hobbs switch. One side of the light plugged into the cigarette lighter, (for convenience), the other side runs to the ground side of the hobbs switch. An allen wrench adjusts this about one turn per 1 psi.
You could use a tap they have for drilling, and installing the threads for the nozzles, but it doesn't work all that well with the thin walled pipe. I ended up using J.B.Weld on the nozzles anyway.
The nozzles are 2 piece, so be sure to tighten them gently. A spot of rtv there will help that....
I put all the 'Y's, and solenoid in the same place, and ran the 4 lines to the up-pipe. I think it looks better that way...I used the 18" feed line from SMC to go from the bottle, under the overflow canister, and put all the y connectors, and solenoid there, just on the other side.
Due to the much smaller amount of alchy mix delivered through each nozzle, (about 1/4 the amount each) you will activate 4-5 psi before you see knock, and the second stage should activate about 4-5 psi after that. So about 12 and 18?
Use a 50-50 mix, denatured and water..
Aquamist dealer- Ask for Brad- (816) 333-6582