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Smcalky kit question


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smoking six barrel
Apr 1, 2010
I replaced my pump kit works great installed much larger pump i connected it using ethenol safe rubber line should i make a braket so my pump dosnt move inside tank or is it ok if it moves around
Drove home with it on center consol of truck on really ruff road to rathel but it i grab and shake it the pump bands around
Unfortunately your not gonna find too many smc kit fans on here, everyone is using Razors kit, but you can call him directly and he will answer all your questions..
I decided to go ahead and build a bracket and i know not many fans but thats one of the reasons i rebuilt a kit just to prove and can be done and work good
Something like alcohol injection needs to be there when it's supposed to. Generic kits can be made to work on anything if you have time and money for broken parts. I'm a "Buick Snob". I like to think we are better then all those other guys. We have a well engineered kit designed specifically for us that works when installed properly. Most Buick guys already have enough to worry about, I know I do.

So, if someone GAVE me a FREE alky kit for some generic application, I might put water in it and use it to mist my tomato plants on hot summer days.

My Razor kit is a custom install. But I wasn't going to risk a broken motor for it. So I called Julio. And he told me what to do. Don't get me wrong.......I hope you get it worked out. I've been the experimenter for a lot of catastrophes. I wish I haven't learned as much from them. And I hope I don't have to learn from my Buick colleagues either.
I used a much larger then original pump and im not going for massive boost just compensating for junk pump gas in newbrunswick
Just for historical reference.. that kit is the reason I started doing what I do. So you look at that kit and address the short comings and you get to what I provide today. Back in 2002/2003.. it was a different story. Knowing what is known today.. good luck with your decisions.
Well i got all new wirring on it now and a braket with a much much larger vane pump instaled again this thing has cost me 0 dollars
Well i got all new wirring on it now and a braket with a much much larger vane pump instaled again this thing has cost me 0 dollars

One thing is for certain in the TR performance world.........You get what you pay for.

Tomato plants:)