Sorry guys. You all know that this is not really a business or money maker for me. I do them because I like it. Doing the Buick calendar was a way to help pay for the toner of my kids' calendars that I make for relatives each year.
I even split it into two this year because I was tired of hearing from people (both "sides") about not having their banners together on the same page and "exclusive" calendars, etc.....
The reality is, last time I ran the calendar through here, all my toner money was eaten up in the required advertising fees I needed to pay to do it....
So, I figured I cover everybody by doing a t6p (which usually includes the crowd), and a calendar. People could submit to one or both, buy one or both, whatever....
I don't want to get shunned, banned, or have this thread deleted because of what I have said. I just want to stay out of it and do my little thing. if I can't, then next year I won't. Seems the more you try to please people, the less you do....
Anywho, both boards have stickies on the subject. If you are pissed at me, take a number and accept my web-apology.
Then you can buy a calendar of babes and bikinis and hide it from the wife and your HR department...