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Some car guys wear badges!!!

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I was just reading Tom Tom Turbo story and it reminded me of a time that I got pulled over by a cop. I had just gotten new tires (Nitto 555R 275/50R15) and wheels (Weld Pro-Star 15X8 BP 5X4.75 BS 3.5). So I decided to go out and try them out. Plus I had one of my friends with me and wanted to show off a little. I was pulling onto Georgia Ave (MD, Rt. 97) from a small back street. I hit it REAL hard and turned it sideways. I stayed on the throttle, compensating the wheel until it hooked. Well for those who don’t have Nitto and don’t now, Nitto are very temp sensitive. They don’t hook that well if you have the torque that you can get out of our cars with some mods until they get good and hot. Not to mention it was a cold night. Tires cold + engine making lots of power = NO TRACTION. So after waiting an hour or two for the tires to hook, I final got the car going straight and it took off. Looked down at the Speedo and was doing 80 / 85 mph and still pulling, when I cut off an unmarked cop. You might ask how the f*ck I did that. So it was very dark out, no moon, and no street lights. Well when the cop came up to my door he started shooting the sh*t talking about cars. He asked me where I got it, how many miles it had, what it ran in the ¼ mile, and other questions. Then out of no were he asked “Do you have any drugs or guns in the car.” To which I replied NO!!! Then he asked if he could search the car. I told him sure. He asked me again if he could search the car. Again I told him yes. He then asked if I was sure it was ok to search the car. For the third time I told yes. Then he told me that he was only looking for drugs or guns and that I could move along. So I was about to pull away before he changed his mind, when he asked me if I could do something for him…………I was thinking he was going to give me a warning……not at all……”Can you light them up for me?” I was so caught off guard that a cop would ask me this that I asked him if he was sure. He stated it again “light them up, but wait for this car to go pass and don’t get in an accident.” So as I was about to pull away I started boosting up and then let it rip. I spun the wheels for about sixty feet. So the moral of this story is that some car guys wear badges!!! Thanks to all the GREAT cops and firemen out there who put there a*s on the line for us every day!!!!!!!!

Can't resist

O.K. I've got to tell on myself, but this comes from the other side. I was a cop from 1986 to 1991 before going into the military. My last year as a cop I was on a motor unit, a Kawasaki P1000. That's the Police KZ1000. One day I was sitting running radar at the foot of one of our local bridges when I saw a Yamaha V-Max coming toward me. I had seen it around before, it had nice wheels and a different set of handlebars. I flagged the guy over and walked up to him, he was confused as to why I flagged him but I asked him if he had a minute to talk about his bike, he agreed. After a few minutes I convinced him to do a WOT blast while I was right behind him, trying to keep up. I wanted to see how bad the V-Max really was. This guy was real leary of the whole set-up but agreed to give it a go. I was then going to blue light him, and make it look like a traffic stop, I'd give a verbal warning and then head off like no big deal. Well, as we began riding I was wound pretty tight into 3rd and I believe he was at low RPM in 4th, when he punched it. I punched it right behind him but it wasn't even close, that thing was like an air to air missile. Around 90 I hit the blues and we played the part. Then we agreed, obviously, to keep our little incident quiet. It worked out perfectly. I found out just how much power a V-Max had, and he found out just how slow a 1000P Kow was. So, yeah, it happens. -BB:p
I was coming home one day and came over a freeway and on the other side was a motorcycle and patrol officers talking.

I got the feeling the motorcycle cop was going to come my way and I keep looking and sure enough I saw him way back there.

At a light next to another car the motorcycle cop came up next to me and started talking about how he had always wanted one etc, etc. He ws on a Kawasaki 1000 and I have run some bikes before, so just before the light changed I asked him if he wanted to drag. He thought that was funny, not that he would win but what would happen if we got caught.
Badges? We ain't got no badges. We don't need no badges. I don't have to show you any steenking badges!
Re: Re: Some car guys wear badges!!!

Originally posted by lyonsd
Badges? We ain't got no badges. We don't need no badges. I don't have to show you any steenking badges!

I knew someone was going to say that!:D

Buick Beginner
You didn't happen to be a cop in MN and go into the Air Farce did you? On 10SEP91?
Cops are all closet speed freaks. (No not the amphetamine type.)

Went out street cruising (and a bit of racing) one evening with one of our city's finest who really wanted to see what a GN was all about, sure that some of all this talk has to be BS?

Don't you just love how GN newbies do that rigid-body thing where they straighten up in the passenger seat like a fence post and point their little toesies into the floorboards like wannabe ballerinas? :eek:

90 mph in a 30 zone while the Blue Zone meets the Dark Side. :cool: