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Some drivers, arrrggghhh!!!!


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Buick From Hell

Staff member
May 29, 2001
Geez, I'm gettin' tired of some of the STUPID crap people are doing lately! My 2 favorites peeves involve left turns, and involve the other driver trying to be courteous---but how do you let them know THEY'RE BEING STUPID??

Peeve #1- While waiting to turn left at a red light, the last oncoming car I'm waiting for decides to turn right. Only instead of turning, the car STOPS! ... to wait for ME to turn left! Don't these schmucks know THEY have the right-of-way? I would get my turn done faster if they just plain make their turn! I don't know how many stand-off's I've had, but I REFUSE to go until THEY go! Maybe they'll get a clue...

Peeve #2- This is basically the same as the above, but probably more dangerous--this is where I'm waiting to turn left from a side street onto a 4-lane with a center turn-lane, and a car is approching from my right, to turn left onto the street I'm waiting on. Now, all I have to do is wait for him to turn in front of me, then I can go. But no, he STOPS, even though there's plenty of time to turn! Again, this car is trying to be courteous, but all he's really doing is creating a dangerous situation! This has happened twice recently...the one time, I finally got tired of the stand-off, I decide to go---and of course so did he! And guess who's fault it would've been if we'd hit each other? :rolleyes:

The main problem with both of these scenarios, is they always seem to happen at NIGHT, and I can't see the other driver!!! So I don't know if they're actually waving me on, or just being brain-dead!!

Please, if you have the right of way, GIT!!
in my town my biggest peeve is yield signs. people here have NO CLUE what to do at them. They will come to a -dead stop- even when no cars are coming, or they will ignore the yield sign completely and not even slow down or change lanes to let cars coming off of the ramp on. On the highway, I can't stand people who are following a truck in the slow lane, and there is PLENTY of room behind you, you're in the fast lane approaching them. The polite thing to do would be wait for me to pass and then get behind me. Invariably instead of this, they hop out in front of me "oooh my last chance to get in front of this guy, better take it so I don't have to pass him later!" GRRRR. :mad:
how bout this one?..........

when i learned to drive back in nebraska my dad tought me that if you want to make a left turn you can pull INTO the intersection and even if you have to wait, you will be able to turn left when the light goes yellow and oncomming traffic comes to a stop....

but in FLORIDA, apparently no one knows this rule, as i sit behind the car in front of me in the left turn lane and they are still behind the "line" and when the light goes yellow there is no way in hell they are gonna make a left turn.....and i find it really funny when i am the car pulled WAY out into the intersection and the car behind me is sitting WAY back in the left turn lane and i make it thru and they dont....
And nobody seems to know how to merge on the highway around here. They go down the ramp at 45-50 mph and expect everyone running 65-75 to just let them on in :mad:
How many have watched this happen?

It's rush-hour, you're waiting on a 4-lane (with center turn-lane) with about 40 other cars for the light. In the middle of all this traffic about 300' from the intersection is someone on the right, wanting to turn LEFT. So what happens? A couple of good samaritans make room for the car to enter the center lane--blindly...

Only problem is, these good samaritans don't notice the Humvee barrelling down the centerlane to make a left turn at the light, and <<CRUNCH>>
Originally posted by Buick From Hell
Peeve #2- This is basically the same as the above, but probably more dangerous--this is where I'm waiting to turn left from a side street onto a 4-lane with a center turn-lane, and a car is approching from my right, to turn left onto the street I'm waiting on. Now, all I have to do is wait for him to turn in front of me, then I can go. But no, he STOPS, even though there's plenty of time to turn! Again, this car is trying to be courteous, but all he's really doing is creating a dangerous situation! This has happened twice recently...the one time, I finally got tired of the stand-off, I decide to go---and of course so did he! And guess who's fault it would've been if we'd hit each other? :rolleyes:

Please, if you have the right of way, GIT!!

Similiar to this one is when you are making a U-turn (Tucson is the only place I have ever seen "U-Turn Only" signs) and there is someone making a right onto the same street as you are turning onto (they have a stop sign, you don't) and as you turn onto the street they pull out and try to hit you because they never even looked your direction. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!
Originally posted by Buick From Hell
It's rush-hour, you're waiting on a 4-lane (with center turn-lane) with about 40 other cars for the light. In the middle of all this traffic about 300' from the intersection is someone on the right, wanting to turn LEFT. So what happens? A couple of good samaritans make room for the car to enter the center lane--blindly...

Only problem is, these good samaritans don't notice the Humvee barrelling down the centerlane to make a left turn at the light, and <<CRUNCH>>
My wife got tangled up in a similar situation years ago. There was a guy in a nicely restored 1967 Mustang wanting to make a left from a parking lot onto a four-lane (with turn lane) road. The good samaritan in the stopped-right lane traffic waved the Mustang in front of him and he proceeded; only to be t-boned by my wife cruising down the left lane in her Thunderbird. Both cars went to the great boneyard in the sky but luckily no one was injured.